Codex hoard

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by judebert, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. judebert

    judebert Intergalactic Tourist

    Hi, I'm a hoarder.

    After I read a book or pamphlet, and it gets added to my codex, is there any reason for me to keep it? Or can I delete it?
  2. Jerln

    Jerln Oxygen Tank

    No reason to keep books or pamphlets you've already read, unless you want to keep a full set somewhere. Maybe for a library, or just in case a new player wants to read some lore.
    Trenix likes this.
  3. Trenix

    Trenix Twenty-three is number one

    Great, and I just sold most of mine. Didn't think of that, thanks for the suggestion. I'm also hoarding all the codex for no reason and I haven't even read any of the books. Maybe I should.

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