cokking with large milk

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ishizu29, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. ishizu29

    ishizu29 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    ok, admittedly this is a minor issue, bit it´s still annoying.
    why can´t i cook with large milk?
    small milk sure, but large milk is no no.
    it seems silly, and is a bit of problem for me when it comes to cooking.
    because, like a moron, i´ve been taking good care of my animals.
    so now nearly all milk i get is large.
    and seeing as i only have a small handful of cows,ect it´s a problem to get the small milk.
    so how about a milk is just a milk when it comes to cooking?
      Trenix likes this.
    • Eristae

      Eristae Void-Bound Voyager

      I am in favor of this! I don't want to be unable to cook with milk I get from my cows.
      • ishizu29

        ishizu29 Subatomic Cosmonaut

        aaaaand i just realised i spelled cooking wrong in the title.:catnonono::facepalm::oops:
        • Yaushibee

          Yaushibee Subatomic Cosmonaut

          I have the same issue!! I just need a few more recipes to have made them all but several of them require regular milk, which I have none of because my cows are so well taken care of. As much as I want the achievement, I don't have the heart to not treat them well just to get some regular milk...

          The weird thing is, some recipes will accept any milk type no problem. I can understand goatmilk not being an acceptable substitute for certain recipes but surely normal dairy milk just in a larger quantity should be fine :rolleyes:
          • ishizu29

            ishizu29 Subatomic Cosmonaut

            ikr, there´s no difference when it comes to cooking with eggs. an egg´s an egg. so why is there an issue with milk?
            though you could buy another cow,and since it hasn´t been pampered so much yet, it´ll properly give small milks for a while.
            • Yaushibee

              Yaushibee Subatomic Cosmonaut

              Yeah, that's what I ended up doing. I'll definitely be saving all the small milks I get from her, just so I don't run into this problem again.
              • Grimswolf

                Grimswolf Void-Bound Voyager

                Definitely this needs to be a thing. Maybe by being able to turn one large milk into two small milks so the large milk can still cook more? (Not sure that makes sense with prices, not looking at them)
                • SquarelyCircle

                  SquarelyCircle Cosmic Narwhal

                  I'm seconding this change. It's ridiculous for me to have to either sell a cow and get a baby (or make my cows mad) in order to cook a couple of the recipes. There really just needs to be a way to convert one large milk into two small milks, or else cook with ANY kind of milk in ALL milk recipes.

                  But I did a search, and this has been a problem for over a year, and as far as I can tell, there's been no word on it. So, I'm no holding my breath.

                  Please fix? Thanks. :)
                  (AMAZING game, btw)

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