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Escape button

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by arician, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. arician

    arician Space Hobo

    Can we please have double escape be resume like every other game? I keep accidently quitting without saving and losing a lot of map progress. It hurts
    • tccoxon

      tccoxon Procedurally Generated Programmer

      That's actually a bug. Should be fixed in the next build.
      • tccoxon

        tccoxon Procedurally Generated Programmer

        Actually - can I just check something? Did that happen either:
        • When you switched to another window, switched back and hit esc?
        • Or when you hit esc on the map or quest screen?
        • arician

          arician Space Hobo

          It was happening after tabbing out, Usually to chat. After seeing this i actually went and tested a bit and it only seemed to happen after I'd switched away for a few minutes
          • tccoxon

            tccoxon Procedurally Generated Programmer

            OK, yes, this is fixed in the next build. Thanks!

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