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Bug/Issue Game will not launch

Discussion in 'Support' started by pixiesunbelle, Jun 18, 2017.

  1. pixiesunbelle

    pixiesunbelle Void-Bound Voyager

    My game will not launch. I even reinstalled the game
    • MysticTempest

      MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

      Can you post your error logs?

      The file locations:
      Windows: %AppData%\StardewValley\ErrorLogs
      OSX: /Users/yourusername/.config/StardewValley/ErrorLogs
      Linux: ~/.config/StardewValley/ErrorLogs
      • Hina0126

        Hina0126 Space Hobo


        I am having the SAME problem! I've played 100+ hours on this game but suddenly it stopped working!
        • MysticTempest

          MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

          Hina0126, could you upload one of the files here. Or open up one of those text files, and copy/paste everything inside the file over here.
          • Hina0126

            Hina0126 Space Hobo

            Message: Error loading "Data\\CraftingRecipes".
            InnerException: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Failed to load XnaNative.dll. Please verify that you have the XNA Framework installed.
            at ImportXnaNativeMethod((fnptr)* method, SByte* methodName)
            at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.NativeMethods.CreateDecompressionContext()
            at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.DecompressStream..ctor(Stream baseStream, Int32 compressedTodo, Int32 decompressedTodo)
            at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentReader.PrepareStream(Stream input, String assetName, Int32& graphicsProfile)
            Stack Trace: at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentReader.PrepareStream(Stream input, String assetName, Int32& graphicsProfile)
            at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentReader.Create(ContentManager contentManager, Stream input, String assetName, Action`1 recordDisposableObject)
            at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.ReadAsset[T](String assetName, Action`1 recordDisposableObject)
            at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.Load[T](String assetName)
            at StardewValley.LocalizedContentManager.Load[T](String assetName)
            at StardewValley.CraftingRecipe.InitShared()
            at StardewValley.Game1.LoadContent()
            at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Initialize()
            at StardewValley.Game1.Initialize()
            at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
            at StardewValley.Program.Main(String[] args)
            • MysticTempest

              MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

              Thanks. First off make sure XNA is still installed.

              Right click Stardew Valley in your Steam Library.
              Then select 'Properties' from the popup.
              After that a new 'Properties' window should show up.
              Go to the 3rd tab, 'Local Files', and select; "Browse Local Files".

              It should open up a window to your game files. One of the folders in there should be named "_CommonRedist".

              Go into that folder, and follow the folders down into the XNA one until you find the xna installer; "xnafx40_redist.msi"
              Reinstall that first, then give it a try.

              You might also want to try 'verifying the game files' in that same 'Properties' window while you're there. But, definitely try the XNA stuff first.
              • Hina0126

                Hina0126 Space Hobo


                I reinstalled it and it works!!! 8D
                  MysticTempest likes this.
                • LordBlazer

                  LordBlazer Space Hobo

                  Just got the game today, but i cant start it.
                  When i click play on steam nothing happens.
                  I have fixed my XNA file, reinstalled it. Vertefied the files, reinstalled the game, restarted my computer, but nothing seems to work.
                  I tried to look for the error log but i cant find it. Can only find Stardew Valley inn steamapps.
                  Help plz ^^
                  • MysticTempest

                    MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

                    The %AppData% is a reference to a hidden path. Make sure you have files & folders that are hidden set to viewable. Or try pasting in %AppData% in the search window on Windows, and see if it takes you there directly. The steamapps stuff has the gamefiles; but not the saves or error logs.

                    The path would look something like this when typed out literally; just subsittute your user account name below:
                    C:\Users\-your user name-\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\ErrorLogs

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