Pixel Lego starbound

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by kelko585, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. xXflamehawkXx

    xXflamehawkXx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I always come across old threads, when I find threads like these I'm like "Awesome this guy builds Starbound lego! Oh but it's 2 years old he won't respond"
    Anyways thank you!
  2. kelko585

    kelko585 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hi, flamehawk as I looked into creating your character I was not sure about the details so I would like to ask you if you can post a screencap of your character or give me more detailed description. Thanks.
  3. Heartstrings

    Heartstrings Giant Laser Beams

    The Humans are meh (But EXO-Force, yay!), the Glitch are cool, the Novakid is awesome, and the avian I assume was hard as lego has no direct correlation to them.
  4. xXflamehawkXx

    xXflamehawkXx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Here's an image:
    Just add a cape

    Thanks, bye
  5. kelko585

    kelko585 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thanks for commenting!
    Here it is! I'm not sure if I captured the look of your character but I tried :monkey:
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2015
  6. xXflamehawkXx

    xXflamehawkXx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  7. HPLightning

    HPLightning Space Hobo

    The last one was 2 years ago but if anyones still here could you do mine

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