NPCs not sleeping in Lunar bunk beds

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by FlakTaryd, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. FlakTaryd

    FlakTaryd Big Damn Hero

    I might been just me, but I notice that NPCs when you place lunar bunk beds in like ships, colonies, or whatever, they don't sleep in them even if it's the only one nearby the NPC. Is it considered a bug somehow?
  2. Tlactl

    Tlactl Cosmic Narwhal

    They sleep in them when I place it, maybe you just have it in a weird location
  3. FlakTaryd

    FlakTaryd Big Damn Hero

    I notice it as I started the game, but eventually that problem got fixed. Perhaps that can be the case.

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