Protect Linus' tent! (or not...~)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Lyrina25, Jul 9, 2017.

  1. Lyrina25

    Lyrina25 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I just came across Linus in my game again and decided to talk to him. I was informed that someone had been throwing rocks at his tent that previous night! I was angry at this, but I have no way of helping him.

    Therefore, I would Like to suggest a new cutscene where you stumble upon one of the villagers doing just that and have the option of helping them or stopping them~
    • DreamerDrop

      DreamerDrop Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      I think the biggest problem with this would be... which villager?

      Any villager involved would wind up being hated by the fans, and the community is too insulated to have it be a random passerby at night.
        SnailsAttack likes this.
      • EmissaryOfInfinity

        EmissaryOfInfinity Subatomic Cosmonaut

        Make the culprit a humanoid monster. There are plenty of types of those in SDV, and it'd be an easy enough mistake to one for a person in the dead of night.
          DreamerDrop likes this.
        • DreamerDrop

          DreamerDrop Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          Like a Cave Dweller that's crawled up from the mines? They're the earliest humanoid monster I can think of that you encounter... I could see that, actually.

          If they can spawn on your farm, I don't see why they couldn't attack Linus' tent one night too.

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