Quality of life UI/mechanics improvements

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by MelOzone, Apr 19, 2017.

  1. MelOzone

    MelOzone Pangalactic Porcupine

    All of the suggestions described below will look natural in the game. They are easy to implement dev-side but rather complicated player-side due to some hardcoded things.

    Current behaviour: failing to win the minigame leads to destruction of the fossil. Failing to complete the minigame (example: out of range due to enemy attack knockback, death due to any kind of damage - including starvation, closing the minigame or pressing [Esc]) also leads to the destruction of the fossil.
    Suggested behaviour: Interruption during the minigame should lead to the wasted brush, not the destroyed fossil. So, for example, if you see you can't win, you can [Esc] the minigame, then try again - but your previous brush will be lost (since the minigame is randomly generated it is not required to be the same - but that would be great as a bonus).

    Tenant quests
    Current behaviour: interruption while the quest window is open counts as "dismissing" (cancelling) the quest. Example: while reading the quest text you were attacked by a mob and its knockback brought you out of range of the questgiver. The quest is lost forever.
    Suggested behaviour: quests should be discarded only when the player presses [Decline] in the quest window (or the questgiver dies). Any other interruption (questgiver out of range, closing the window with [Esc] or with an [X] in the top-right corner) should only close the window. The quest (the same quest!) should still be available on subsequent interaction with the questgiver. If the quest is not taken in a certain time frame, it "despawns" by itself (like it does now).

    Dismissing crewmembers
    Current behaviour: When the crewmember is dismissed he/she is lost forever. When dismissing a crewmember, however, no confirmation is required.
    Suggested behaviour: Since this action is quite important and non-revertable, asking for a confirmation is a must. Confirmation should clearly state that this crewmember will be lost and can't be restored.

    Removing waypoints
    Current behaviour: When a waypoint marker is removed (i.e. when you pick up a flag or destroy a teleporter) the waypoint in your list remains. It is removed only if you do so manually or try to teleport to a non-existant marker (i.e. try to port to a point where the flag/teleporter was removed).
    Suggested behaviour: Every time when a player removes the flag/teleporter, this player's list of saved waypoints is checked. If there is a point associated with the removed item, it is removed automatically.
    Since cross-checking all waypoint lists during multiplayer is a non-trivial task, this waypoint auto-removal applies only to the player who removed the marker. Behaviour of other players' waypoint lists remains the same (their "broken" waypoints are removed on first teleportation attempt or manually).

    BONUS: Sorted waypoint lists
    While more or less bearable, current waypoint list implementation is very invonvenient when the number of waypoints is not 5-10 but 50-100. Allowing sorting by planet type/planet name or adding waypoint search by name is an obvious solution to improve usability.

    PS. If you know any mods doing this please post them here (my thanks in advance). I still think all of the above should be in the core game, though.
    Valardy, lordbociek and Jerln like this.

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