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Save not loading / takes me back to the main menu

Discussion in 'Support' started by Sullen Melancholy, Jul 18, 2017.

  1. Sullen Melancholy

    Sullen Melancholy Space Hobo

    Hi Guys!

    I just recently started playing Stardew and tried to log into my save.
    It would just take me back to the title menu. Any ideas what it could be?
    I have put a lot of hard work into my game and I am really sad I can't access it.

    I uploaded my save information. Can someone take a peek and see if they can determine
    what the issue is?

      Attached Files:

    • MysticTempest

      MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

      Here, try this updated one.
      There was a typo in the amount of money you had. On my system; it wouldn't even show your save as existing until I fixed that. It loads correctly now, but I did not experience the game forcing me back to title.

      So, let me know if you have further issues.

        Attached Files:

      • Sullen Melancholy

        Sullen Melancholy Space Hobo

        You are amazing! Thank you.
        • Cherrish

          Cherrish Space Hobo

          I have the same problem :(

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