Selling Animals for Profit

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Trenix, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. Trenix

    Trenix Twenty-three is number one

    I understand that slaughtering animals is out of the picture, which doesn't make much sense when in the same game you're slaughtering bats and catching fish, but anyway, I don't understand why selling animals isn't very profitable. It seems at every instance it's better to keep the animal because of the products it produces then selling it, unless you're trying to make some room for another more profitable animal.

    I'd love to have the option of raising an animal for a long time, getting it to grow up and giving it 5 hearts, to then sell it for loads of money. I mean what happens to the animal when it's sold can be whatever the player wants it to be. Therefore you could still have butchering without actually witnessing it or having it be within the game at all. I'd like to see that as an option.
      Marco93 likes this.

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