Spaceship Graveyards

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by FloranFighter, Aug 10, 2016.

  1. FloranFighter

    FloranFighter Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So, an idea I had, would anyone els be interested in seeing spaceship graveyards?
    What I'm thinking is something like the remains of a large battle or a small fleet encountering an asteroid field or some such. There could be various parts from standard hull and just random debris chunks, to loot opportunities like engine blocks with some fuel left in them, or cargo holds with large amounts of loot inside.

    Possibly even some living/sleeping quarters with a few codex's of travelers or soldiers journals.

    Anyone else think this would be interesting?
    Jappards, S.A.A., LtBlujay and 5 others like this.
  2. Karuto

    Karuto Space Hobo

    I agree , It's a good idea
  3. kurisu7885

    kurisu7885 Big Damn Hero

    I would see players trying to move in and building some kind of atoll by linking the abandoned vessels together with corridors.

    That makes me want this more!
  4. Triple_DEKer

    Triple_DEKer Void-Bound Voyager

    seems good, maybe if Chucklefish doesn't the genius modding community could? There's a guy in steam workshop working on Starbase and empty space worlds, I'll see if he's interested.
  5. FloranFighter

    FloranFighter Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That would still be awesome.
  6. Centonux

    Centonux Space Hobo

    Maybe full of pirates or something? I like this idea!
  7. Caaros the King of Chaos

    Caaros the King of Chaos Void-Bound Voyager

    If these ruined shipyards have a chance of having chic cooking tables and microwaves in them, I'm in.
    Good idea either way.
  8. Brockster17

    Brockster17 Phantasmal Quasar

    to kurisu

    You could basically make a space station!
  9. FloranFighter

    FloranFighter Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Space station made of the random junk lying around in the void, built by those brave few survivors, those are the best kind of space stations.
  10. Caaros the King of Chaos

    Caaros the King of Chaos Void-Bound Voyager

    It seems as if in the next update there will be a good chance of something like this is happening. They are doing a complete overhaul of space.

    They are also adding mechs.
  11. FloranFighter

    FloranFighter Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Indeed, I really hope they do add something like this. The hype is real!
  12. S.A.A.

    S.A.A. Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Imagine how creepy would it be to see shipwrecks that are still moving in asteroid fields or orbits thanks to inertia.
  13. Megumin

    Megumin Guest

    after new upate it would be awesome
  14. S.A.A.

    S.A.A. Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I agree.

    If they added in sunken ships in oceans, crashed and crash-landed ships on land, and moving wreckage in combination with moving asteroids, that would be...

    Oh man, what if you could actually repair some of them... but that would be too much lol.

    But like, imagine some ancient technology being revved up after centuries of inactivity.

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