REQUEST Sprites for Lemonade Maker

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Platonymous, Mar 11, 2017.

  1. Platonymous

    Platonymous Big Damn Hero

    I build a small helper mod to create custom machines in the game without actual coding:
    Custom Farming

    As an example I included a Lemonade Maker, but since I can't sprite myself out of a paper bag it only uses a dummy image.

    Could someone make a sprite for me?

    Either a single 16 x 32 Image or a sheet of two images (one idle, one at work) or an animation spritesheet (first image would be the idle condition, the following the animation loop while working).

    I would also like to include other examples, so if you have some ideas and possibly sprites that go along with it, let me know.
      Last edited: Mar 11, 2017
    • HopeWasHere

      HopeWasHere Existential Complex

      I would be happy to help you, it's the least I could do for all of the awesome mods you make! :) What are you looking for? Do you have an example of what you would like?
        eemie and Orion and Dog like this.

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