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Stuck in Move Building Screen

Discussion in 'Mac / Linux Bug Reports' started by careyagimon, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. careyagimon

    careyagimon Void-Bound Voyager

    Robin>Construct Building>Move Building

    Selected a chicken coop in the Move Building screen. It works normally and now displays the red/green tile location overlay while I search for a new location for the building.

    Was planning on moving the coop one tile over, but there was a chicken coming out of the building at the time. The chicken now blocks the original and planned placement of the building.

    My farm has no other open locations. At this point, I can't place the building back down. I also can't leave the Move Building screen. The game is not frozen but I can't leave this screen.

    AFAIK, I was forced to use command-q to exit game, loosing that day's progress.
    • MsDianaT

      MsDianaT Yeah, You!

      This just happened to me as well although I'm not using Mac but Windows Just sitting here stuck. Came here hoping for a fix There needs to at least be the option to return the bldg to original location OR a cancel.

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