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Bug/Issue Wool in Coop (closed)

Discussion in 'Support' started by XanthorDark, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. XanthorDark

    XanthorDark Space Hobo

    So I have a coop with 2 chickens, 2 ducks and 1 rabbit, I also have one barn with 1 cow into that is connected but that will not make any difference I think.

    Anyway, the think I noticed is, sometimes in the morning I find wool in the coop, from what I gathered I thought you only got it from sheep, another point of interest is that I have yet to get a rabbit's foot or a duck feather, maybe the wool has somehow over written it?
    • Aveza

      Aveza Intergalactic Tourist

      Rabbits produce Wool.
      • XanthorDark

        XanthorDark Space Hobo

        They do?! o_O but what about the ducks? are the feathers very rare?
        • Aveza

          Aveza Intergalactic Tourist

          Ducks produce Duck Eggs. Duck Feathers are rare produce from ducks, similarly Rabbit's Foot is a rare produce from rabbits.
          • XanthorDark

            XanthorDark Space Hobo

            Okey, thanks ^^

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