RELEASED Better Pigs & Recolours 2.1

Replaces the vanilla pig with an improved version available in 8 colours

  1. Zhuria

    Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

    Zhuria submitted a new mod:

    Better Pigs & Recolours - Replaces the vanilla pig with an improved version available in 8 colours

    Better Pig v2.1

    A drastic edit to the pig where I've still tried to stay true to the vanilla textures but have gone for a more realistic look. Available in original pink and 7 recolours!

    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    More info & download links here
      Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
    • BunnyBuns

      BunnyBuns Subatomic Cosmonaut

      I see you posted in the mod repository, do you like it better than just posting on the forums?
      • Zhuria

        Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

        Good question.. Haven't decided yet. I do like the setup over there. What I don't like is that discussions come over here and make a new thread and there's no way to change that. I'm hesitant to upload anything else to it and majorly spam the forums ;_;
        • BunnyBuns

          BunnyBuns Subatomic Cosmonaut

          I decided to pack everything together, all the barn animals in one pack all the coop ones in another and pets in another. I figured that would reduce the spam.
          I do post ones that took a lot of work separate though! Like total resprites.
            Himbeerninja likes this.
          • Zhuria

            Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

            Yeah, I'm thinking I might post all bunnies together, all cows together, all dogs together, all horses together.
              Himbeerninja likes this.
            • alacazain

              alacazain Void-Bound Voyager

              Please do goats aswell
              • Missus

                Missus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                Ooh, these are nice!
                • poprocks_and_coke

                  poprocks_and_coke Void-Bound Voyager

                  Will this replace all of my pigs with the same recolour, or can I choose multiple recolours for multiple pigs? Like if I want pig A to be "Sandy and Black" and pig B to be "Saddleback", can I do that? I'm new to the idea of modding, so I'm sorry if this isn't the right place for this question! :x
                  • Zhuria

                    Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

                    It will replace them all, sorry :( (unless you use a different one for adult and baby) There is a way to do what you're asking, but I have to do it on my end (well, technically anyone could do it), you can see info here:

                    It seems like with the addition of a new tool, this method is moving forward, so I may look into doing this (however, I have been losing motivation lately, so I'm not sure. I'll try)
                    • vhaziri

                      vhaziri Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      These are all adorable! Time to get more pigs :D
                        Zhuria likes this.
                      • l4ng4m

                        l4ng4m Orbital Explorer

                        how i wish i can have them all with the default and the recolors :( :cry::lickitung:
                        • Zhuria

                          Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

                        • l4ng4m

                          l4ng4m Orbital Explorer

                        • interface5

                          interface5 Aquatic Astronaut

                          me two if only their was a video tutorial for us non geuis :lickitung:
                          • laurabi

                            laurabi Subatomic Cosmonaut

                            I second the goats! If you ever decide to redo another animal, please take a hand at the goats! The vanilla sprite is AWFUL (IMO) and I can't find any cute goat replacement mods. I LOVE these pigs. <3

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