REQUEST Rabbit and other animals addtional sprites, help with modding!

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Kamichan, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. Kamichan

    Kamichan Space Hobo

    Hello fellow farmers!
    As the topic spoils, I want to make a mod for bunnies in Stardew Valley. They are supposed to be "wool bunnies" but they don't look as ones that give fur, and as a crazy bunny lady I decided I want to make sprites, both for Baby and Adult bunnies so they would resemble Angora breed. Also, I d like to make alternative sprites for other rabbit breeds, fur coats and colours like Russian, Holland, Lop eared, Dwarf, Tan, albino and so on. Those wouldn't be accurate to the "wool bunnies" descrition but would add variety which I carve in terms of buns :)

    What I need is someone who can put those in game code, with variable random outcome of a breed while buying a bunny. Or not random! That a specific name like breed name would result in different rabbit look. The problem is I don't really know if its even possible or doable in any way to add additional sprites,when only one set is avaliable in game, so I seek knowledge from you all, and someone who will show me or put those sprites in game for release.
    If that would be successful, I consider doing decorative (I dont really know their name in English) pigs(black/spotted/brown), rooster and bull, if that wasn't done by anyone else. Thanks for looking!
      Tiachren likes this.
    • taintedwheat

      taintedwheat Master Astronaut

    • Kamichan

      Kamichan Space Hobo

      Oh thank you I will look at that and see if I can do anything with that. I m veryyyy hard to learn those kind of things. I do photoshops not programming xD
      Couldn't find that before and I went down a few pages and searched for animals on forums. Oh well :D Does this one add other variable to breed or it just changes the one we have?
      • taintedwheat

        taintedwheat Master Astronaut

        it allows you to have multiple different reskins on different breeds of the same animal -- like if you made your rabbit sprites you can easily export them into the game and still use other different looking rabbits too-- all in the same game
          RoastedCoconutz likes this.
        • Kamichan

          Kamichan Space Hobo

          Thanks a lot for your help! So... Time to get to work then :> Fluffeh buns :3
            RoastedCoconutz likes this.

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