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RELEASED PenGUIn - Starbound Server GUI

Discussion in 'User Interface' started by Senerio, Jul 22, 2016.

  1. Senerio

    Senerio Pangalactic Porcupine

    A simple and user friendly Starbound Server GUI.

    Follow what's happening on your server with this tool.
    Players, planets, ships, players locations and other events will be displayed just for you!


    Description :
    PenGUIn is a very simple tool and is very light and portable. It gathers lines from the server console, interprets them and finally reflects them onto a very friendly user interface. It also allows you to do a bit of managing with your players or your server's configuration.

    REJOICE! PenGUIn now officially comes with server commands! Along with its addition comes a bunch of other features. Tasks Manager, Exception Handler, Custom Commands and Tokens! If you're curious, go and download it!

    Features :
    This tool will help you manage your server in multiple ways. Here's a "brief" overview :
    • General Tab
      • Separated and colored console/chat output
      • Basic server actions (Start/Restart/Stop)
      • Basic server status info (Status, Uptime, Version, IP)
      • Connected players list
      • Search function for logs
      • Server commands input textbox
      • Penguins
    • Players Tab
      • Current connected players information (ID, Account, UUID, IP, Connection time)
      • Recently connected players information (ID, Account, UUID, IP, Last connection time, Last disconnection time)
      • You can see when a player is currently beaming to a ship or a planet distinctively and accurately!
      • Color indicators
      • Sweet icons (many thanks to Eonwulf & Playah)
      • Kick/Ban/Copy options
      • Tracking ship/players locations
    • Universe Tab
      • Current loaded planets information (Planet name, X coord, Y coord, System, Orbital, Letter, Time loaded)
      • Recently loaded planets information (Planet name, X coord, Y coord, System, Orbital, Letter, Time loaded, Last time unloaded)
      • Color indicators
      • Sweet icons yet again
      • Open world file in explorer
      • Planet nicknames. You can give a custom name to any planet.
    • Ships Tab
      • Current loaded ships information (Player name, X coord, Y coord, System, Orbital, Letter, Time loaded)
      • Recently loaded planets information (Player name, X coord, Y coord, System, Orbital, Letter, Time loaded, Last time unloaded)
      • You can see when a ship is currently traveling in hyperspace!
      • Color indicators
      • Sweet icons... yes again
    • Player Tracking Tab
      • This is where you can see players locations (ship or planet).
      • Sweet icons?
    • Events Log - Every events will be logged in this tab
      • Server start/ready
      • Server restart
      • Server stopped
      • Server Error
      • Player login
      • Player logout
      • Planet loaded
      • Planet unloaded
      • Ship loaded
      • Ship unloaded
      • Player warp location
      • Ship traveling location
      • Failed login (bad login/banned/failed)
      • Tasks reports
      • Exception reports
      • Color indicators
      • Sweet icons..... I really like them ok?
      • Search/Filter
    • Statistics Tab
      • Current session stats
      • Past session stats
      • Overall stats
      • Machine resources usage/perfomances
    • Server Config Tab
      • Several server config parameters
      • RCON Server configuration (NEEDED TO ENABLE SERVER COMMANDS)
      • Account manager
      • Banned IPs/UUIDs manager
    • Plugins
      • Allows you to see which mods are in the ...\Starbound\mods\ folder
      • Allows you to see which mods are successfully loaded when your server is running
    • Customization
      • Ease of access options
      • Notification options (tray bubble and sound)
      • GUI preferences
      • Color Customization
      • Simulation Mode - This will allow you to simulate an old server session through a log file (top left)
      • Easy access to logs that are saved with the [Save log after session] feature
      • Task Manager. This feature will allow you to customize PenGUIn to do different tasks for you given different events.
      • Exception Handler. You can now trigger events on specific server error output.
      • Custom Commands. This will allow you to create "commands" for your players.
    • About
      • General information about the application
      • Contact me information
      • Cleverly placed .gifs
    • ???
      • :)

    How To Install :
    Simply download the executable and place it in the same folder as starbound_server.exe and launch it from there. (You can then make a shortcut of it on your desktop)


    Download Here : PenGUIn

    Compatible With :
    Starbound 1.4.4

    Prerequisites :
    Unfortunately, this application is only available for Windows XP and above running Framework 2.0.
    Curse you all Linux and MAC users! :nuruninja:

    Feedback :

    If you have any comment or suggestion to make, you can do so in a reply below or any stated way in the contact me section of the application. (you can also see my signature)
    If you ever encounter a bug/glitch, please give all the information you can think of. The more information you give, the easier it'll be to fix and everyone will be happy. :)

    Thanks everyone!


    Changelog :

    • Added a List Players Action in Task Manager/Exception Handler/Custom Commands. RCON is required for this Action to work.
    • Added a way to toggle Auto Scroll on/off on the server output windows.
    • Fixed an issue with commands not working properly after switching from RCON disabled to RCON enabled.
    • Fixed the freeze that would occur whenever server output or chat output was very long.
    • Added saving to server log while server is running.
    • Fixed an issue when colorized names and custom commands.
    • You can now find me on my very Discord server. I changed the About tab to reflect that.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing the application to be extremely laggy on certain machines.
    • Added Server Configuration File Path in Server Config tab for more flexibility
    • Typo and wording hotfixes (Ships tab is now Spacecrafts to cover for the addition of Space Stations)
    • Other minor hotfixes
    • Improved status bar/top menu
    • Added 'Protectorate'. Will be displayed like the Outpost. (Protectorate is the tutorial mission)
    • Added command line arguments for server launch in the server configs
    • Fixed a few bugs regarding server start/restart/stop
    • Added Space Stations (with ships)
    • Reworked the ship traveling to work with the new implementation
    • Revamped the lists legends due to the eventual lack of space with the older format. Removed the texts beside the icons and instead made them into tooltip when you hover over each
    Known Issue :
    • There are some instances space station will slightly "break" the UI. Namely, when someone connects directly onto a space station, the tracking won't work properly until the player warps somewhere else. Along with a few utility tweaks, this bug cannot be fix so long as the devs don't give a way to know which station belongs to which player. :(
    • Fixed being able to send an empty line when using the say command lock feature
    • Fixed a problem certain of you were having with the performance counters. It should allow you to launch the GUI now.
    • Fixed quotes within quotes not working properly for execute arguments
    • Added &player_playtime token
    • Added arguments for the Execute task
    • Reworked the invalid characters for tasks/actions parameters because they were getting in the way of arguments.
    • Fixed count tokens
    • New server stop procedure. Should be much more reliable.
    • Commands sent with tokens will no longer appear as "processed" in the server log. IE: Sending "/say &player_name" will show "/say &player_name" instead of "/say Senerio"
    • Updating PenGUIn from anywhere should now work properly for next updates.
    • Fixed Simulation Mode.
    • Added credits in About.
    • Upon further investigation, I noticed the commands sent from the console just weren't working. It's fixed now! Sorry for the update spam!
    • Added a validation for server port and RCON server port. If both are the same you cannot start your server.Upon further investigation, I noticed the commands sent from the console just weren't working. It's fixed now! Sorry for the update spam!
    • NOW COMES WITH SERVER COMMANDS! Yes, yes. You read right. PenGUIn now comes with a whole new set of things to do thanks to enabling server commands.
    • Overall revamp of the interface for some tabs. Don't get lost!
    • Added RCON Server settings in Configurations tab. This will allow you to ready your server for commands!
    • Added Task Manager. This one is fresh out of the oven with the server commands. This feature will allow you to customize PenGUIn to do different tasks for you given different events. IE : Saying hello to a player when he joins the server.
    • Modified the existing Exception Handler feature to align it with the Task Manger. UNFORTUNATELY, THIS UPDATE WILL ERASE ALL YOUR PREVIOUSLY SET EXCEPTIONS! SORRY! :(
    • Added Custom Commands. This will allow you to create "commands" for your players. IE : You could create a command that is /iwantcookies and when typed in game would trigger a certain event that you also decide on. Take a look!
    • Added Tokens! Tokens are a chain of characters interpreted by PenGUIn. IE: Sending /say It's &time &date! &server_motd as a server command from the GUI will send the server a say command with your system time and date along with the MOTD in the Server Config. There is a whole section dedicated to explaining tokens with the Task Manager feature. Look it up!
    • Added tasks events in Events Log.
    • Added Import/Export function for each of these: Nicknames, Task Manager, Exception Handler and Custom Commands.
    • Added Kicking on the players context menus. Kicking and banning will now do what they should do if a RCON Server connection is succssfully established!
    • Added server command text box to general tab. You can now send manual commands through there!
    • Added Ctrl+S feature for the command text box. Toggle between commands and chat!
    • Server Log/Chat output lines won't go outside of the lists width anymore. They will instead be cut into the necessary amount of lines to display them in their entirety.
    • New IP fetch procedure. Instantaneous!
    • Added Server MOTD in Configurations tab.
    • Added Resources Usage/Performances in the Statisitcs tab. Be aware of your CPU/RAM usage at all time!
    • Splitted the Server Config tab in two sub tabs: Configurations and Player Management.
    • Added a Reload button in Server Config. This button will reload your config file while the server is running if RCON Server is established.
    • Moved Accounts, Banned IPs and Banned UUIDs lists to Player Management tab.
    • Renamed Parameters tab to Customization.
    • Re-splitted Customization (Parameters) tab into 4 sub-tabs: Settings, Task Manager, Exception Handler, Custom Commands
    • Removed Restart on fatal error and Schedule restart settings. They were replaced with Task Manager and Exception Handler features.
    • Added Show commands sent by tasks setting. This will allow you to decide wether or not you want to see the commands sent by tasks in the server log.
    • Added a PayPal button in About. Showing a little appreciation is always appreciated. I put a lot of free time in PenGUIn. Time that I should maybe put elsewhere from time to time. Donate to help me keep this updated!
    • Replaced tips by a cleverly placed gif. You won't even notice.
    • Fixed the bug where events log would be filled with empty lines. (Added player warping to outpost event)
    • Added planet nicknames. You can now add custom names to planets.
    • Nicknames will also be displayed in the Events Log
    • Added Exception Handler. You can now trigger events on specific server error output. (Only Server Restart event is currently available)
    • When the Exception Handler is triggered, an event will be added in the Events Log
    • Separated Parameters tab in two sub-sections: Basic and Advanced
    • Simulations no longer add on to your stats
    • Simulations no longer trigger sound/tray notifications on player login/logout
    • Added a label to tell which version you are running in the patch note window
    • Excluded Thumbs.db from plugins
    • Fixed typos
    • Added a session simulator. This will allow you to simulate an old server session through a log file
    • Added easy access to logs that are saved with the [Save log after session] feature
    • Made the Patch notes window nicer to look at
    • Added Search function for Server Log (context menu)
    • Added Search function for Server Chat (context menu)
    • Added Search/Filter functions for Events Log
    • Added a tab for Plugins. This will be telling you which mods you got in the ...\Starbound\mods\ folder and which are successfully loaded when your server is running
    • Added secret???
    • Fixed the update procedure (It'll only be fixed for 1.1.1 and after. You'll have to manually download it if you still run 1.0.0 or 1.1.0.)
    • Added patch notes within the GUI
    • Fixed the schedule restart settings not saving
    • Added Outpost
    • Added the possibility to clear the Events log list
    • Added a parameter that allows to save the logs of each sessions
    • Added a parameter that will disable the Events Log tab from listing events
    • Added a parameter that will disable the Players, Universe, Ships, Player Tracking and Events Log tabs from listing any kind of info
    • Fixed a bug where restarting the server would crash the GUI
    • Fixed a few other little things

    Attached Files:

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    Last edited: Oct 17, 2019
  2. MrVauxs

    MrVauxs Giant Laser Beams

    *The God of this server has been deleted due to the (-!Error(;#+!!^ยง
  3. rawkinrex

    rawkinrex Phantasmal Quasar

    I installed and am using the Launcher. Kudos to SorenIX for this great utility. I used your previous version of this utility and this is amazing.
  4. Senerio

    Senerio Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thank you everyone who is using it.

    I'm currently enjoying Starbound for myself while using my own app. I noticed a couple of things. One of the big things I realised was missing is any information on the Outpost. So soon enough you'll be able to see whenever the outpost is loaded and if there are players on it, just like other planets. A couple of bug fixes as well, but those seem to be harder to catch.

    You are most welcome to reply with any idea you have or any bug you encountered. It will be a great pleasure for me to take a look at it.

    Good Starbounding everyone! :)
    --- Post updated ---
    There is a bug right now with updating. Please download the new version from the forum. It'll be fixed on the next patch.
  5. mattmonkey24

    mattmonkey24 Void-Bound Voyager

    Looks pretty good but would love for this to be open source

    Also a Linux release would be awesome, till then I'll have to find another wrapper to use for my server
  6. kreeper900

    kreeper900 Big Damn Hero

    This is a really neat little tool. I started using this just a few days ago on the 1.0 Starbound release and I really am enjoying it. Thank you for the hard work you put into maintaining this!
  7. Senerio

    Senerio Pangalactic Porcupine

    The pleasure is mine. I like doing this a lot, especially for people like you who are at least thankfull in return. :)

    Look forward to version 1.2.0. It's gonna have a bunch of new little things! If you got any demand, it's the right time to tell me!
    --- Post updated ---
    1.2.0 is out! I've put in a dangerous amount of time to release this! :)

    Please report any bug!
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
  8. Ragestrike

    Ragestrike Space Hobo

    i dont suppose i can use this with webhosted servers. like gameservers.com
  9. Senerio

    Senerio Pangalactic Porcupine

    You would be right
  10. AleNinja73

    AleNinja73 Void-Bound Voyager

    [21:59:55] Error: STARBOUND GUI ERROR - PLEASE POST THIS LINE ON THE FORUMS [[Info] UniverseServer: Stopping idle world ClientShipWorld:9b4be336be180bc385d0385a8effb0a1]

    But the server is working fine :D
  11. Senerio

    Senerio Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thanks for posting. Don't worry about it. I think it may have been a none reoccuring error.

    I'll look into it.
  12. tomanj

    tomanj Void-Bound Voyager

    Would you be able to tie in auto update server at certain times per day or check for updates via steam CMD?

    The following commands are what i use to update the server manually via steam CMD on windows 10 and I was thinking i could just create batch script to stop the server check for updates and restart the server, but I think it woul dbe awesome to include int he GUI.

    login <your_steam_user_name> <your_steam_password>
    force_install_dir <E:\Starbound>
    app_update 211820
  13. Ispano

    Ispano Phantasmal Quasar

    Hmm... would it be possible to have the program automatically stop the server when you close it? Instead of asking that is. Or simply an option to do so. I run that computer headless, and it would be more a safety net than anything for when I shut it down remotely and forget the server is running.

    This is of course assuming i'm correct in how windows shuts down programs when you issue a shutdown command.
  14. Senerio

    Senerio Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hey there, thanks for providing feedback. Unfortunately, I'm not gonna go that far. Right now Starbound has just been released so updates are quite more frequent than they are supposed to be. As time goes on there will less of them and the need for it so not gonna so important anymore.

    I will try to see if I can implement this.

    On a side note, I'm working on something you guys will be very happy about. Be around for 1.4.0! :)
  15. tomanj

    tomanj Void-Bound Voyager

    Well if anyone is interested I did create a batch script that compliments PenGUIn to stop, update, and restart the server. It's just a quick script i wrote and is currently setup for my environment, but it's not hard to modify to a different environment if need be.
  16. Senerio

    Senerio Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hey everyone! 2.0.0 has finally headed your way! I got a lot of work done in the two last weeks. There were quite some new challenges coming with enabling server commands. But I've made it and now it's all yours! :D

    Have fun everyone and don't forget to give feedback! I like feedback.

    • NOW COMES WITH SERVER COMMANDS! Yes, yes. You read right. PenGUIn now comes with a whole new set of things to do thanks to enabling server commands.
    • Overall revamp of the interface for some tabs. Don't get lost!
    • Added RCON Server settings in Configurations tab. This will allow you to ready your server for commands!
    • Added Task Manager. This one is fresh out of the oven with the server commands. This feature will allow you to customize PenGUIn to do different tasks for you given different events. IE : Saying hello to a player when he joins the server.
    • Modified the existing Exception Handler feature to align it with the Task Manger. UNFORTUNATELY, THIS UPDATE WILL ERASE ALL YOUR PREVIOUSLY SET EXCEPTIONS! SORRY! :(
    • Added Custom Commands. This will allow you to create "commands" for your players. IE : You could create a command that is /iwantcookies and when typed in game would trigger a certain event that you also decide on. Take a look!
    • Added Tokens! Tokens are a chain of characters interpreted by PenGUIn. IE: Sending /say It's &time &date! &server_motd as a server command from the GUI will send the server a say command with your system time and date along with the MOTD in the Server Config. There is a whole section dedicated to explaining tokens with the Task Manager feature. Look it up!
    • Added tasks events in Events Log.
    • Added Import/Export function for each of these: Nicknames, Task Manager, Exception Handler and Custom Commands.
    • Added Kicking on the players context menus. Kicking and banning will now do what they should do if a RCON Server connection is succssfully established!
    • Added server command text box to general tab. You can now send manual commands through there!
    • Added Ctrl+S feature for the command text box. Toggle between commands and chat!
    • Server Log/Chat output lines won't go outside of the lists width anymore. They will instead be cut into the necessary amount of lines to display them in their entirety.
    • New IP fetch procedure. Instantaneous!
    • Added Server MOTD in Configurations tab.
    • Added Resources Usage/Performances in the Statisitcs tab. Be aware of your CPU/RAM usage at all time!
    • Splitted the Server Config tab in two sub tabs: Configurations and Player Management.
    • Added a Reload button in Server Config. This button will reload your config file while the server is running if RCON Server is established.
    • Moved Accounts, Banned IPs and Banned UUIDs lists to Player Management tab.
    • Renamed Parameters tab to Customization.
    • Re-splitted Customization (Parameters) tab into 4 sub-tabs: Settings, Task Manager, Exception Handler, Custom Commands
    • Removed Restart on fatal error and Schedule restart settings. They were replaced with Task Manager and Exception Handler features.
    • Added Show commands sent by tasks setting. This will allow you to decide wether or not you want to see the commands sent by tasks in the server log.
    • Added a PayPal button in About. Showing a little appreciation is always appreciated. I put a lot of free time in PenGUIn. Time that I should maybe put elsewhere from time to time. Donate to help me keep this updated!
    • Replaced tips by a cleverly placed gif. You won't even notice.
  17. kcjay98

    kcjay98 Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey! Great update, loving the extra functionality. I am having an issue though, whenever I put a command in, nothing happens. Attempts to put additional commands in after this give me "[Warn] Another command is already processing." I have tried changing around RCON settings, trying a few different commands, running the server as admin, among a couple other things. The task manager seems to be working fine, I was wondering if I have technical issue, or I am just doing something wrong. For the record, I am trying to get a message to print to chat, I have tried both using the CTRL+S feature, and just using the "say" command. Thanks in advanced!
  18. Senerio

    Senerio Pangalactic Porcupine

    Do you get this message when you start the server? RCON Connection established.


    If you do, did you open a second port for RCON?

    Edit 1:

    I tried to use the same port for both RCON and the Server and I got your problem. I'll do a quick patch and make it so server doesn't start if you use the same port for RCON and Server.

    But yeah, you need to portforward two different ports for this.

    Edit 2:

    Everything should be ok now with 2.0.2. Sorry about that!
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2016
  19. smark91

    smark91 Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi, what address we must insert if the server RCON is the same running penGUIn?
    I try with and my local IP and it seems work but every command I send I receive a
  20. Mersenne Prime

    Mersenne Prime Space Spelunker

    I LOVE PenGUIn; I've been using it for a few weeks now for my private family Starbound server. Thank you SO much for making it!

    I have a couple of issues, however.
    1. When I press the STOP button, the Server Log window will show "[Info] Interrupt caught!" and "[Info] UniverseServer: Stopping UniverseServer". However, most of the time it never finishes stopping. Maybe 1 in 10 times it will actually stop. Pressing RESTART always works. Perhaps, instead of sending an interrupt, you could send "stop". I've tried it, and the server stops.
    2. If I use RCON to stop the server by typing "stop" (same as typing /stop in game), you see the game log:
      [01:03:38] [Info] OK: shutting down
      [01:03:38] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping UniverseServer
      [01:03:38] [Info] UniverseServer: Stopping TCP Server
      [01:03:40] [Info] Server shutdown gracefully
      [01:03:40] [Info] Root: Shutting down Root​
      and then PenGUIn crashes with System.ComponetMode.Win32Exception: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed.
    3. Sometimes, when processing a player connection event, the command "say Welcome, &player_name, to the &server_name. &count_players. &server_motd" will result in something like this: "[01:02:49] <Server> Welcome, Floyd, to our Family Starbound Server. tb_PlayerCount." In case it matters, right now the server MOTD is empty.
    Also, one question:
    1. I can enter commands, no problems, from PenGUIn. However, I tried connecting to the server port using telnet, and couldn't get it to work. Can you please give me an example of how to remotely connect and issue commands?
    Thanks again for making such a wonderful server tool.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2016

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