The FreeWare version of the popular AVIAN AI is simpler and more limited in its functions, but more easily integrated into different ships’ systems and more accepting of program updates, whereas the full version of AVIAN, being far more sophisticated, is also far more difficult and time consuming to update.
Fluff explanation aside, this is a mod for what is basically an AVIAN skin for the stock AI, with some minor edits and custom work, mostly just to tide us over until Cgeta can get the full mod updated for 1.0 (or during any update period, really, since as a simple graphical mod this should be pretty survivable). Because we miss our bird AI. However, I've also added a couple extra features, like coloring to match each race’s theme, AVIAN tech stations, and support for a few custom races (I'll probably add more as more of the major race mods are updated to 1.0). Needless to say, all of this mod's assets are freely offered to Cgeta if he thinks they might be useful in further work on AVIAN.
Supported Custom Races
Known incompatibilities
None known, though anything that deals with the graphics for AIs and tech stations can probably cause issues.
Cgeta: The original creator of AVIAN, awesome is he.
Diriel: Creator of the Racial AI Restorer, which provided most of the AI assets I worked with, most critically the ability to have a technicolor AVIAN. Also awesome is he.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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A.V.I.A.N. FreeWare Edition Cheap Birdy.2
A simpler, multicolored version of everyone's favorite bird AI.