11-05-2017: Since the site doesn't want to update my external link to the mod properly, use this link:
I always felt that Starbound's futuristic nature could use some sparky instruments, so I decided to make some nice synthetic instruments for the game. The instruments were all synthesized by me (the 8bit drumkit is an exception right now, but will be fully synthesized as well in the near future), no preset stuff, this is my flavor and work you're hearing.
(I know the art is terrible, I'm not really a pixel artist!)
Jungleboy Synthesizer
"May attract uninvited company"
Ballistic Synthesizer
"A swell synthetic bass"
Rotorgon Synthesizer
"A rather spinny organ" (Headphones recommended!)
Volt Synthesizer
"Extensive usage may result into electrocution"
Stabber Synthesizer
"A Floran's favorite"
Destructoid Synthesizer
"Pure win"
Glitch Head
"Might be a bad terrible idea to use this in a Glitch village"
Solarity Synthesizer
"With its blinding voice, you'll conquer the universe for sure"
"You may as well turn square"
Retro Drumkit
"A drumkit with a rather retro touch to it" (WARNING, WIP) (short drum loop included!)
MegaVolt Synthesizer
"Volt's big brother, this one will fry your computer too!"
Acid Synthesizer
"Watch out, it bites (not kidding)" NEW!
Tensor Synthesizer
"Bring up the tension with this tight bass" NEW!
Fushion Synthesizer
"It sprinkles with low frequency energy, eagerly waiting to be released" NEW!
Where to find them?
Right now you can craft them for 1 pixel, or they will spawn in your inventory right away when you start a new game with any character/race. (Removed in v 0.51 as people experienced this as annoying) This is temporary for the emergency update, until I have time to update the loot tables and do other fancy stuff.
Unpack in: "C:\(path to game)\giraffe_storage\mods"
If you did it right, it should look like this:
To find the path to your Starbound installation, do the following:
- In your games list on Steam, right-click Starbound and choose "Properties"
- Go to the "Local Files" tab and press the "Browse Local Files..." button
- You will see the folder "giraffe_storage", double click it and move the "Synthesizers" folder of the zip you downloaded into it; it should look the same as the picture above.
For now, compatible with anything.
Spawn codes
For the impatient (enable admin mode with /admin):
- /spawnitem acidsynth
- /spawnitem ballistic
- /spawnitem destructoid
- /spawnitem fushion
- /spawnitem glitcher
- /spawnitem jungleboy
- /spawnitem mvolt
- /spawnitem pixelizer
- /spawnitem rotorgon
- /spawnitem solarity
- /spawnitem stabber
- /spawnitem tensor
- /spawnitem volt
- /spawnitem retrodrumkit
Future plans
-Adding a crapton of tiny home-made tunes that work well with these instruments
-Adding even more synthetic instruments
-Turning the Retro Drumkit into something worth its name
-Doing more research on Starbound's instrument system
-Making another instrument mod with more realistic instrument(s) (groups)
-Making an NPC that sells the instruments with its own dungeon
Have fun, and do tell if anything is wrong (i.e. instrument too loud, mod broken), as I'll fix it almost instantly.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Do not alter or redistribute the assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Archer's Synthesizers - 14 New Instruments (and counting) 0.6
This mod adds 14 quality synthetic instruments, updated for Upbeat Giraffe (READ THREAD!)
Recent Updates
- Fix link again May 11, 2017
- Fix dropbox link May 11, 2017
- Added instruments to the loot tables properly, removed ability to craft them for 1 pixel Jul 29, 2016