Assorted Crafting Things
Current Version: 1.3.1
Latest Update: June 12, 2017
Hello, and welcome to "Assorted Crafting Things"! This mod contains a vast assortment of things. A LOT.
When Starbound first came out, I made a few objects, and I was happy to have them in the game. Originating as just the two Guardian Lions and Glitchsura, people began to notice my small mod. People liked it, used it, and asked if I wanted to expand it. At the time, I didn't know what to make, so I just asked what people wanted to see. In the process, I made the first mod to include the Playboy Bunny costumes, as well as a few bottled things and a bed from Dragon Ball Z. As time went on, all of my modded content merged into this mod, and consistently grew. What was once ten items became fifty, then fifty to a hundred, and now we're at the point where my mod has gone way beyond my original scope.
"Assorted Crafting Things" is my ongoing quest to add life to Starbound through various weapons, furniture, clothing, and monsters, each being in their own style. Not sticking to one specific theme, the objects in this mod are random and designed to just be used wherever, with some exceptions. Decorations and fancy ornaments have always been something I've liked to clutter my homes with in video games, and this mod embodies my interest in the mundane, odd, and excentric objects one would find in various locations.
ALWAYS delete any older version when installing. This prevents a lot of problems.
- Drag the new "Assorted Crafting Things 1.x.x" folder into your "Starbound/mods" folder.
- Delete the "Assorted Crafting Things 1.x.x" folder from your "Starbound/mods" folder.
- There is a large amount of things added in this mod.
- Version 1.3.0 ; You may notice these numbers are low. Read the 1.2.0 Changelog to understand why.
- If you find any bug with any item, post in the thread which item it was and I will try to fix it as soon as I can.
- If there's a crash on startup after installing this mod, do the following;
- Make sure there is only one instance of an "Assorted Crafting Things" folder. Delete older versions if you have any.
- Move all mods except "Assorted Crafting Things" to a temporary location and start the game
- If the game crashes, check your Starbound.log for anything with "campworks_" or "cworks_"
- If something with either of those tags is in the log on a crash, post the Starbound.log file to the discussion thread and I'll take a look.
1. The item's internal workings were changed, causing the old item to become a Perfectly Generic Item (Sorry!)
2. The item was removed due to; bugs, depreciation, or otherwise noted in the Changelog.
- If you want to use this mod in a server mod pack;
- You may do so, but make sure to link to this mod's page, and possibly drop a link to your server as well.
- If you want to use some assets from this mod in your own mod;
- You are may NOT do so.
- If you want to use my assets, just download and use this mod.
- There's no bloat, malware, or viruses, I promise.
Future Updates:
- More assorted goods, of course!
- More Pets
- More Weapons
- More Mech Parts
- More fishing-related things
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Assorted Crafting Things 1.3.1
Lots of things!
Recent Updates
- I'm stupid oh god someone stop me Jun 12, 2017
- Mech Update Jun 8, 2017
- Actual actual fix Aug 20, 2016