ஃAvali Defense Turretsஃ
I put in a request once for an Avali turret mod, but then I thought Know what?? I'm a modder! I can make it myself! So I squeaked into Gimp and well, here we are!
This mod adds, well, an Avali auto turret! Turret has a faster scanning speed, different sounds, faster rate of fire, and upped damage. Turret base was redone by me, the actual gun was modified from the vanilla Avali AM Firelance.
Currently crafted at the Wiring Station for one normal turret and 100px each. Turrets support 4-directional placement same as the default auto turret. If any issues arise, please inform me so I can remedy the problem quickly.
(Due to the conversion of the turret it may not operate as the description says to the fullest yet, I will work on this soon.)
Ingame demonstration
Turrets in the 1.0 update:
The turret when highlighted in the crafting area
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Avali Defense Turrets 2.0
Protect your Avali settlement!