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Betabound! v15.0.1

A base-game enhancement mod featuring new content! Not an overhaul.

  1. Update!

    View full changelog on Github via download link!

    Summary: Bug fixes, Betabound boss progression tweaks (get crafting recipes for summon items from their quest), etc
  2. Update!

    View full changelog on Github via the download link!

    • Many weapon adjustments, balance, new sprites, etc
    • UI improvements
    • Betabound procedural firearms merged with their vanilla counterparts
    • Environmental Protection Suit Techs are now obtained by crafting their respective EPP
    • Fluffalo feed changed- now consumable and drops from fluffalos
  3. Update!

    View full changelog on Github!

    • New quest available from the human ex-convict at the outpost!
    • 2 new craftable weapons
    • 1 new suit tech
  4. Update!

    • New items (tools, weapons, throwables, objects, blocks, buffing, food, blueprints)!
    • Some more 2-handed weapons have alt abilities now
    • New sprites for various items, thanks to Nuggubs, Zygan, and Rho! (Some food and objects)
    • Improvements to Shield tech
    • Balancing adjustments
    • Status Pods now have more options: run/jump/glow/rage/protection gas, shrapnel
    • Esther now has some alternate dialogue if spoken to while the quest 'Opening the Ark' is active and the...
  5. Bug fixes

    -=- Changes -=-
    - Weapons
    • Procedurally-generated flamethrowers are now affected by element modifier items. New elemental SFX and subtitles, too! ie an ice flamethrower will show as 'icethrower' rather than 'flamethrower'
    • Electric flamethrower projectile now gives an eletrified debuff to enemies

    - Equipment
    • Master Manipulator no longer sends small amounts of liquid to the Shadow Realm if it cannot give the player that amount of liquid. Instead,
    • When collecting...
    Orange Dreamsicle likes this.
  6. hotfix

    hotfix for the big update yesterday
  7. Weapon mods, lore, quests, and more!

    • New mechanic: ability/element mods! Use them to change the ability/element on your procedurally generated weapons!
    • New weapon: Jelly Whip! Dropped by the jelly boss
    • 51 new lore codexes to find!!! Each one has a custom icon, description, and has been adjusted to fit seamlessly with vanilla lore
    • Whips changed; middle does damage
    • New facelifted weapon/skyrail sprites by _InferusRF! See main changelog for the full list of upgraded sprites.
    • New suit...
    Orange Dreamsicle likes this.
  8. Update!

    • New special ability for flamethrowers!
    • New craftable DPS Dummy!
    • New throwable items!
    • New item for preserving food!
    • Brooms can sweep grass/sand/snow off blocks!
    • Certain forest trees now drop apples and oranges!
    • Various new weapon recipes!
    • Changes to wall-mounted tech stations
    • Added a codex explaining how ammo works
    • Various QOL changes/additions

    -=- New -=-
    - Weapons
    • Betabound Flamethrowers have a new alt ability: wide spray!
    • New throwable item:...
  9. lantern fix

    fix for when another mining lantern replacement mod is installed
  10. combinable augment fix

    fix for energy regen augments
    Orange Dreamsicle likes this.