Techs for 1.0 Starbound are considerably different now, so I had to make some changes.
Partially rewrote LUA scripts. As the way these techs work has fundamentally changed, I probably should have done a total rewrite... but I didn't.
Tinkered around with them a bit where energy usage is concerned.
I no long am over-writing any vanilla techs. Rather than being reworked vanilla, they are independent. So at least that means I should not cause incompatibilities with mods that do alter vanilla techs.
These are more powerful than what is available in game now - at least compared to the version of nightly I'm using.
*Sustained Dash is much faster than Sprint. However much more energy hungry. You can use it while facing away from the direction of travel unlike Sprint and you can change directions without breaking your Dash. You also have longer to activate it(.3 vs .25) and midair activation is no problem.
*Sustained FTL Boost is way too fast, and has has no vanilla competition as they removed the vanilla FTL Boost. Works essentially the same as Sustained Dash but more suicidal. Also versus the old version, you won't cease momentum while ballistic in mid air. The engine may occasionally have issues keeping up with loading when you travel this fast. Try it on ice!
*multijump + hover is far more useful than the vanilla multijump. The vanilla is limited to 3 tiny pushes upward and is less useful than pulse jump by far. My multijump works more like pulsejump but with unlimited jumps. Also pulsejump uses no energy and mine does - increasingly more with each jump. I also added in hover mode(W). It is only available after activating a midair jump so you can't use it just any time you're falling. Likewise the midair jump will only activate after a regular jump. Hover mode drains your energy FAST so you can't sustain it normally.
I've tried to keep these reasonably balanced, but the fact is they will make your Starbound like easier, not to mention allow you to cover ground really fast. Probably will take some challenge out of the game, so when I add a legitimate means to acquire them, I should probably do so in the later game.
[spoiler="How to aquire"}
I don't currently have a method of acquiring them in game. I'll work on that later probably with a quest similar to getting other techs. For now type this
You're gonna need tech cards to unlock them. If you want to cheese your way into techcardsCode:/admin /maketechavailable bk3k_dash /maketechavailable bk3k_ftlboost /maketechavailable bk3k_multijump /admin
That would give you enough to unlock them allCode:/admin /spawnitem techcard 15 /admin
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bk3k's More Powerful Techs 2.04
improved upon some techs to make them fun and useful