New version is uploaded, if you had 1.7.0 it can be downloaded through the auto-updater.
New features
- Item editor, the item editor should feature all the items in the game including wallpapers and flooring. I've tested most of the special items like TVs, tools and wallpaper, and everything seems to work.
- Backups will now by default be made, can be turned off by unchecking the checkbox next to the load button.
- Removed the "Weather for tomorrow" option, it only changed the forecast on the TV. (This sometimes caused the "Missing element text" error)
- Fixed an issue with the bundle editor where "Vault" missions came up as not completed.
- Version now shows in application title
Download links
Windows 32bit
Windws 64bit
Windows 32bit
Windows 64bit
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Chicklet - Save file editor & Map Editor V2.1.4
A save file & Map editor for StardewValley