New version is uploaded, if you had 1.7.0 or higher it can be downloaded through the auto-updater.
this version is only published through the auto-updater as it's not a major version.
New features
Image below shows the 3 new secret statues.
- Searching through the item dialog in the inventory editor, you can search on the "Categories" items fall in for instance "seeds", "cooking", "artifacts" etc. As well as their name/description.
- Included the item changes from 1.5 and I included the new items from 1.5 (Secret statues)
- Scrolling in the inventory editor to change quantities is now properly saved and uses the right orientation!
Searching for a category like "Artifacts" or "fruit"
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Chicklet - Save file editor & Map Editor V2.1.4
A save file & Map editor for StardewValley