This is a template for you to create your own radios. You'll need Iroaseta's Workbench to craft them.
Radio has gradual increment / decrement of volume depends on distance. Jukebox on another hand will have full volume once you reach its range. Radio is also easier to edit as it's a simpler mod where there is no variations of coloured lights and furniture so it is up to you to choose. If you need the Custom Jukebox, refer here.
First of all, please make sure you've Notepad++ or equivalent text editor installed.
Step One : Converting your music
NOTE : It's better if you create a folder to put all your music in one place and convert them first.
1) You need to convert all your music into .ogg format. I recommend as you don't have to install anything and it supports converting in batch. Otherwise pick your own choice of software to do it.
2) After you've done converting them, make sure that the .ogg files are named correctly, especially the punctuations. Please also rename them to English alphabets and / or numerical numbers only. Do not use any special characters, Chinese / Russian / Japanese / etc alphabets that are not English. After that, move them to Custom Radios > sfx folder.
3) Just in case you need to lower the volume of your music, especially if you've lots to lower, install Audacity. Otherwise you can skip to Step Two.
4) Throw in any music file first, then go to File > Export Audio. Pick Ogg Vorbis Files from Save as type, click Options and drag the slider to 8 to 10 (8 is roughly the same as the size of the original file, 10 can double the size). You don't have to export it but you want Audacity to remember your preference.
5) When you open up Audacity, go to File > Edit Chains. From there, you click Add on the bottom left corner and enter a name like OGG or something, it doesn't really matter as long as you can recognise it. Once created, highlight the new chain and click Insert. Double click Amplify from the list, click Edit Parameters and put -10 (or any other value) and press OK...and press OK again. Click Insert again, double click Export OGG and press OK. Then finally press OK.
6) Next, you'll need to go to File > Apply Chain and click Apply to Files. Go to your selected files, highlight all of them at once using shift or Ctrl + A, then press Open. Now it should be able to do the batch automatically. Just make sure you overwrite the original .ogg files.
Step Two : Renaming .object files
1) Open up Custom Radios > objects > human > customradio.
2) Press Ctrl + Shift + 6 to access the detailed information of the files. You can also do it by holding down Ctrl while using your mouse wheel until you get the detailed information of the files where there are Name, Date modified, Type, Size, etc shown on the top.
3) Click the drop down arrow of Type and tick OBJECT file only.
4) Copy and paste customradio01.object until you get your desired numbers of radios you wish to have. A Ctrl + A of the converted .ogg files should be able to tell you how many radios do you need.
5) Rename customradio01.object and the rest to something unique. Like, jackcustomradio01.object, jackcustomradio02.object and so on. You can do this quickly by copying "jackcustomradio0" first, then highlighting the most bottom / top .object file, press F2, paste it, and key in the number after the most recent one, press Enter, then press End (or Home, depends on which part allows you to edit the next one quickly), and press F2 again to rinse and repeat. Just make sure that "jackcustomradio0" will change to "jackcustomradio1" and so on whenever it has exceeded every tenth values.
Step Three : Getting ready
1) Now, right-click the 01.object file which was named after your unique name, press Open with > Choose another app > pick Notepad++ (or your preferred text editor) > and tick Always use this app to open .object files.
2) Close the tab (it's like Chrome's tab) of Notepad++, highlight all your .object files, put your mouse cursor on the 01.object file, and drag them to Notepad++.
3) Press the < button on the right corner of the tab until you reach 01.object file and press it.
Step Four : Replace them
1) Press Ctrl + F, make sure Match whole word only is not ticked, then go to Replace tab. Key in track in Find what, then key in the name of your first .ogg file (they should be arranged alphabetically automatically) in Replace with and hit Replace All. Punctuation is extremely important so double-check it before you hit the Replace All button.
2) If your .ogg file have spaces in its name, like Jack Music, take note of the 2nd line which will be something likeRemove the spaces between them so that it becomes"objectName" : "Jack Musiccustomradio",Otherwise you can move on to 3) if your current .ogg file is a single word."objectName" : "JackMusiccustomradio",
3) Highlight Find what again, key in artist, then key in artist name in Replace with and hit Replace All. You can skip this if you want to but artist will still be there.
4) Highlight Find what again, key in source, then key in album name in Replace with and hit Replace All. You can also skip this if you want to but source will still be there.
5) Double-check that the 2nd line has no spaces between the name, Ctrl + S, and Ctrl + W. Now you'll be on 02.object file automatically.
6) Repeat step 1) to 5) until every single one is done.
TIPS : You can press Up and Down when highlighting Find what to alter between track, artist and source quickly. The same goes for Replace with if you happen to have multiple .ogg files coming from the same artist / album.
Step Five : Applies Step Two to Three for .recipe
1) Go to Custom Radios > recipes > iroasetacraftingstation and repeat what have been done in Step Two and Three but this time with .recipe file. Make sure the .recipe file has the corresponding name as .object file. Example, if you've jackcustomradio01.object, then you should have jackcustomradio01.recipe.
2) Once you've done, you should be ready with the tabs opened up in Notepad++.
Step Six : Replace them, again...but slightly easier
1) In your 01.recipe file, You can find "item" : "customradio", in tenth line. Just add in the track name without spaces in front of customradio, just like how it was in 2) of Step Four. Example, if you've JackMusiccustomradio as the object name earlier, then it should be the same here as well. Or you can just make sure that it is the same as your .ogg files but without spaces.
2) Repeat what you've done in 5) and 6) in Step Four.
Step Seven : The last one
1) Go to Custom Radios, right-click player.config.patch, Open with > choose another app...etc. Same as what you've done before.
2) Highlight the first line and copy it, or simply copy the code in the spoiler.{ "op" : "add", "path" : "/defaultBlueprints/tier1/-", "value" : { "item" : "customradio" }},
3) Create space between the lines and paste the code until you've the same number as your .ogg files.
4) Repeat Step Six again for "item" : "customradio".
5) Double-check that there's a comma from the first one until the 2nd last one. The last line should not have any comma like this.
{ "op" : "add", "path" : "/defaultBlueprints/tier1/-", "value" : { "item" : "customradio" }},
{ "op" : "add", "path" : "/defaultBlueprints/tier1/-", "value" : { "item" : "customradio" }},
{ "op" : "add", "path" : "/defaultBlueprints/tier1/-", "value" : { "item" : "customradio" }},
{ "op" : "add", "path" : "/defaultBlueprints/tier1/-", "value" : { "item" : "customradio" }},
{ "op" : "add", "path" : "/defaultBlueprints/tier1/-", "value" : { "item" : "customradio" }},
{ "op" : "add", "path" : "/defaultBlueprints/tier1/-", "value" : { "item" : "customradio" }}
Step 8 : Only if you're creating multiple custom radios and publishing them elsewhere that's not Steam Workshop
1) Go to Custom Radios, right-click _metadata, etc until you open it up with Notepad++.
2) Just change whatever you see in there as they are very straightforward.
And you're done.
If something goes wrong, check the starbound.log in your Starbound's storage folder to see what's wrong. It'll highlight the errors. You can also just post your problem in the discussion session and I'll help you out. Just make sure you're able to attach the mod and the starbound.log.
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Custom Radios 1.1
A template to create a radio mod.