absolutely love the mod but i have to ask, is this still in development and if you do respond id like it if you can link me a simple list of all the item id's within the mod to make obtaining some items a bit easier (specifically unobtainable items like the ship door (or at least it seems unobtainable)) anyways hope this mod ends up finishing and i look forward to a response.
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Elunite Race Mod 2.0.2
Adds Elunite as a playable Race!
- 5/5,
- 5/5,
Looks like this mod has a lot of potential, though I never installed it in my Starbound. I have some questions:
First, is the mod have villages and/or dungeons with people in? And Second, Who create the Nerf guns and other toy guns, is it you or another person ('cause I'm interested)? I've give you 5 stars for support. -
- 5/5,
A really fun mod I only wish it had like different stuff like the Avali race.
- 3/5,
The race is pretty nice. Too bad the weapons are all kinds of severely overpowered. The lightsabers are pretty stupid in that respect - for a lesser price than a Violium broadsword, at every upgraded Replicator, you can get a weapon that has the same base stats, but is two levels higher, resulting in hideously high statistics.
It goes without saying that this throws endgame balance completely out the window, and the discs themselves are always a level or two over what they should be as well. Should the equipment be properly updated to fit the current vanilla weapons' stats, it would get a solid fourth star or even a fifth.
As it is, I had to unpack it so I could get everything in line with what it should be.-
Author's Response
Feel free to contribute (your) re-balance and fixes to the github.
- 4/5,
Hooked into the mod because of the super sentai/Power Rangers look of the race. Stayed because it's just awesome. I like the aesthetic and unique starting weapon.
My only criticism on this mod might be these: the vehicles sold in Pete's seem to be too cheap (150 pixels). This might give access to vehicles way too early. Another one, the items and equipments should be made race specific. When I play as a Novakid and an Apex I can still craft Elunite items. It's a bit cluttering and feels un-immersive.
Other than that, great mod! -
- 5/5,
Very flavorful race. Weird and funny. I only wish that scan descriptions were race-specific instead of generic, but I do know how much work that would be. None the less, very cool.
Also, is the tier 1 ship based on the paddle from Arkanoid? :) -
- 4/5,
Looks promising :)
cant wait for an content update and further development!
:D -
- 4/5,
Though I was a bit surprised on how my character looked different from the screenshots (I'm not complaining though, I made mine look pretty cool) I really like this mod so far. I just started using it and as of now the only real complaint I have is the ship locker's size, while I love a lot of space I can't even see how many spots it has and I think not all of it fits on my screen. As non of my other characters have such a big locker I think it's from this mod, is there a way I can change that/will the size be changed in future updates? This is a screen shot of what I'm talking about:
Please pardon my silly-ly edgy looking character. I couldn't help but make him dark looking. -
- 5/5,
Love the mod , cant wait to see what you do with it. REALLY love the weapons. Kinda wish you would realese them as standalone.
- 5/5,
I really love the starting weapon haha. But this is a well made mod. Can't wait for mroe updates!
- 5/5,
This is looking fantastic so far. Very techy, very interesting! 5 stars for inspiration to keep at this! Will totally love to keep this mod when its (near) completed!
- 4/5,
At first glance, the mod looks extremely similar to NovaKid, which after playing it, is obviously false. The fact that so much is still to be done is the only reason I've deducted a star, as I like the potential in it. Hope to see more from this.
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