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Enhanced Storage 6.0.4

A quality of life mod which improves the whole storage system of Starbound.

  1. KateisLost
    Version: 1.022 [Upbeat Giraffe]
    Such a great mod for someone(like me) who hordes everything in sight. My house/ship looks so much better without 100 chests stuffed into every room. You have my deepest thanks for making this great mod!
    1. NeoVanAlemania
      Author's Response
      Thank you too!
  2. Timidx3
    Version: 1.021 [Upbeat Giraffe]
    Really amazing mod, super useful, works perfectly, and the author is super friendly and active! 5 Stars++ Super recommended! :D
    1. NeoVanAlemania
      Author's Response
      Thanks a lot sir! :)
  3. Hibob42
    Version: 1.02 [Upbeat Giraffe]
    Finaly! I don't need 5000 chests now! About time! (Mod works perfectly, love it!)
  4. AshsToAshs
    Version: 1.01 [Upbeat Giraffe]
    Thanks so much. Works exactly as described. This is just what I was looking for!
    1. NeoVanAlemania
      Author's Response
      Great, thanks!
  5. Miralyth
    Version: 1.01
    This is a wonderful mod and exactly what I was looking for. It'll be so much easier to organize and keep track of things, whilst maintaining my own choice of storage aesthetic.

    Thank you so much.
    1. NeoVanAlemania
      Author's Response
      Thank yoz you too! :)