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Felin Costumes+ 1.8

Not even just for felin!

  1. Socks?

    Socks. Blame @SkyeTheTerribleBeastie.

    The item IDs are sockslegs, armsockschest (what), and legwarmerslegs.

    I don't even know anymore, man.
    Errors4l, Saint Apollyon and Pohany like this.
  2. Tied in the front

    Added a front-tied shirt, ID fronttiechest.
  3. felinnurse, not felinnurseblack.

    Fixed a minor copypaste error that prevented the nurse outfit from appearing in felin clothing merchants' stock.
  4. Two more

    Added a Ballroom Gown and Felin Nurse Uniform. Item IDs: letrunegownchest, letrunegownlegs, felinnursechest, felinnurselegs.

    One of those was originally for Letrune, and the other is exactly what it says on the tin.
    lockclamp likes this.
  5. Thanks to Aura

    Updated the recipes to match the latest Unstable and tomorrow's Stable. Thanks to Aura on Steam for noticing nothing was craftable.
    voxidex likes this.
  6. Minor Merchant

    For the upcoming Felins update (3.5.6) I've done some work on merchants. This Costumes+ update is related to that -- it adds prices to all the added gear, and if you have Felins, felin clothes merchants will sell the new stuff as well.

    If you don't, I suppose not much'll change if you install this one.

    Note that you'd need the not-yet-released Felins 3.5.6, not 3.5.5 for all that. Merchants are whack.