I never did think it made sense, lore wise, that a felin player would start on Earth and all that. This extension makes it so that felin players start with their own introduction mission, dovetailing into the vanilla outpost and its associated missions. I have plans on those as well.
Required item is required. This won't work without having the Felin mod installed as well.
Existing characters will probably lose the highlighting on the inspection tool. The cause is understood. You can fix it by doing a clue hunt quest if you have any left, or by typing /giveessentialitem "scanmode" "inspectiontool" in the chat console.
Thanks to Zornie for mapping assistance.
Background music: "Ether Disco" by Kevin MacLeod, incompetech.com, CC.
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- Do not alter or redistribute the assets included in this mod.
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Felin Intro Mission 1.4
Because it didn't make much sense otherwise
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