:P good :P
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Felins 3.9.1
Catgirls in Space!
- 5/5,
If you just want another race to play with this simple one is the one for you! I enjoy using all the time!
Hellbeast Core
- 5/5,
Amazing. Got only one problem. I fount this thing called "felin shield generator" that makes your stuff unbreakable AND when you break that generator, the ship stays locked and i cant place it again to fit it.
Author's Response
I am so torn between reporting this for helpdesking and leaving it here because holy user error, Batman! How'd you even remove the generator when it's supposed to be locked?!
- 5/5,
Absolutely brilliant! There's nothing about this mod that isn't great, and the add-ons make it even greater!
Of course, I am kinda biased... meow! =~_^= -
- 4/5,
Need some help getting the icon for the race to appear but other than that it is good
- 5/5,
It took me awhile, (mostly because other mods that weren't compatible with the recent update to starbound,) But I finally got to play the Felins again! This is by far my favorite mod, and quite frankly I was losing interrest in starbound until I managed to play this mod again! This is simply a must have for anyone play starbound!
- 5/5,
I'm a Commander Shippurrd, and this is my favourite mod for the Starbound. :33
- 5/5,
alright I know this seems a bit out there and stuff and a bit overly nice but I love mods that add races and so far I haven't encountered any bugs and the only problem I have is that steel is the highest armour you can get so far but that's just a sign of progress you cant judge an unfinished game but this is a mod... still its un finished and so far its doing great
Author's Response
What do you mean "steel is the highest you can get"?
- 5/5,
I'm having trouble downloading it, but other than that you know i love your mod
Author's Response
Server's back. Tell a friend.
- 5/5,
This mod is awesome! Only thing I'm thinking is that how do you get the erchius crystals, because to get to the mine, you need set of steel armor, so I can't complete the mission. This is also the very first mod I'we tested and only 1 problem. I hope it will be fixed soon, if it is already fixed then I don't know how do you get to the mission.
Author's Response
All armor sets are done, including tier 2, Bobcat, which is the steel armor you need. Throw a couple steel bars at a metal workstation and go from there.
- 5/5,
Very smooth mod that pretty much has the works: custom sprites, custom text, custom items, and continued support. Keep up the good work!
Author's Response
Will do!
Author's Response
I feel like paraphrasing GLaDOS now. Weird.
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