Really excellent mod
Though, the later teir armors are a bit out of place, like the Cheetah's set, The Lion's Set, and others. Also, there are no Cheetah's leggings as far as I know. If there are, where are they?
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Felins 3.9.1
Catgirls in Space!
- 5/5,
- 5/5,
Excellent mod! The amount of work and attention to detail certainly set this mod apart from the usual fare.
Author's Response
Yer a furry, Reefer!
- 5/5,
I Love your species and when ever it updates to the newest version its the first mod i grab. although i just noticed that the guns you can make appear with 0 for everything but their firing speed. If someone else has pointed this out they didnt mention the guns having no dps energy cost or damage per shot.
Author's Response
The guns are a work in progress, but thanks for bringing that up.
- 4/5,
Good artwork. Obviously Lots of Effort Put into this. Only major concern is lack of tiered item stats appearing In the inventory of crafting menu. In short. add dem numberz!
Author's Response
Found out what the problem was with the weapons. Adding dem numberz now...
Author's Response
Nice taste in firsts to try.
- 5/5,
Well done! I've seen this mod around for so long and never tried it. Wish I did sooner! MY FAV RACE MOD! Thank you for all your hard work!
Author's Response
It was my pleasure.
- 5/5,
Outstanding mod! The little villages are amazing and the new items are brill, even liked the book about the types of cats and their roles in the village. Litterally gone past the call of duty for a race mod, LOVE IT!!
Author's Response
And I'm just sitting here, thinking "I've seen better."
Author's Response
Who doesn't? Don't answer that, it's rhetorical.
Author's Response
Don't hold your breath.
- 5/5,
I don't know if the males are supposed to have that cute sweater (the one with the collar that covers the mouth a little) or not, but they don't please add them for males :3
- 5/5,
Cute,fun,well put together easy to use and a blast to play with. I love it. Couldn't ask for a better race mod. Cannot wait to see what will come next.
- 4/5,
Decent race mod, needs more custom tier armor and weapons. Also spears, a race of hunters needs spears.
Author's Response
Duly noted.
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