Force Gates
This mod adds force gates to Starbound, allowing you to push everything around!
Update 2.0
Updated mod for Upbeat Giraffe, rewritten from ground up with a new Force Gate Controller system!'
Once the wiring station is unlocked, you will be able to craft Force Gate Nodes:
Place the Force Gate Nodes in a line to connect them. The nodes will automatically connect to the closest nodes:
The arrows on the nodes show the average direction of the connected gates. Interacting with a node will swap the directions of the connected gates:
Objects passing through the gate will be accelerated in the direction the gate is facing.
Things that will be pushed: players, monsters, item drops, npcs, projectiles, throwables
Projectile reflector:
Force Gate Controller
Force Gates 2.0 takes advantage of new modding features in Upbeat Giraffe to provide greater control over your force gates, and an easier way to configure many at once.
I'm not very good at explaining things, so you might be confused after reading through this the first time. Don't worry, things will hopefully make sense when you try them in game.
You can craft Force Gate Controllers and a Force Gate Config Tool at the wiring station, which you will need to configure your gates.
To open up the configuration menu for a Force Gate Node or a Force Gate Controller, simply interact with it while you are holding a Force Gate Config Tool.
Nodes can be assigned several controllers to control them through the node's configuration menu. Controllers lower in the list take precedence over controllers higher in the list.
Assigning a controller to a node:
Assigning multiple controllers:
The config tool can be used to copy assigned controllers by pressing the copy button, and then left clicking on other nodes to paste:
Controllers can be renamed as well:
Controllers currently have 2 states: off and on. Controller state can be toggled by interacting with it, or through a wire:
When a controller is in a certain state, it will set the variables checked in the list on the left to the values assigned on the right for all nodes connected to the controller.
Setting force gate force angle:
Setting force gate active:
Setting force gate strength:
Nodes can be toggle via wire as well:
Ashua - Art
VasVadum - Description, and recipes
PenguinToast - Everything Else
This mod uses PenguinGUI for its UI.
No longer relevant info:
Update 1.3
Added new art for everything, all made by Ashua
Added a new description for the force gate node, as well as balanced recipes - you can still get the items for free from Tabula Rasa. Description and recipes by VasVadum
Swapping the direction of a single gate: or
The gate nodes can be toggled via wire:
A Force Gate Switch can be used to change the directions of each gate connected to a node:
A Compact Force Gate Switch can be used to change the up/down/left/right directions of a node:
Wire relays can be used to make wiring neater, especially over long distances:
Just drop ForceGates.modpak into your Starbound mods folder (giraffe_storage/mods).
I'm open to any comments or suggestions! If there are any bugs, please let me know.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated Force Gates 2.1.1 [Spirited Giraffe]
Tired of meteors destroying your painstakingly crafted house? Deflect them onto your friend's house!
Recent Updates
- v2.1.1 Stable - Updated to work with Spirited Giraffe May 6, 2015
- v2.1 Stable - Added gate strength configuration Feb 19, 2015
- v2.0.2 Stable Feb 13, 2015