Gives a new meaning to building atmosphere with music.
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Frackin' Music 3.45
Add-On for FrackinUniverse & Vanilla. Adds 200+ new songs to biome playlists.
- 5/5,
Well, exactly what most other people have said. Amazing. Just thought I would point out that you said in the description that Frackin' Universe is absolutely required first. However, you told Cmok that you don't need it.
Author's Response
I didn't mean as in you must have FU to use FM...but only that you need FU in order to fully enjoy FM. But yea, it reads badly.
- 3/5,
Can't remove vanilla songs because of mod permissions stated so I'm stuck with it? I can't play this game with vanilla music, because all it does is demotivate me and make me not want to play the game.
Author's Response
We do not downvote mods for things they are not designed to do in the first place. This is not a replacer for vanilla music. This is something to add more music. Your dislike of vanilla music is irrelevant to rating this mod. In the future, keep this in mind. Thanks.
- 5/5,
Engaging selection, most really bring out the feeling of everyt location. But, one hears the custom tracks so rarely (at least on the default planets). Something in the code seems to prioritize the originals tracks over the ones added by the mod - I might get lucky and hear a new song once or twice in several hours of gameplay on some worlds. =/
Author's Response
It's not a priority thing. It's a random chance thing. With the vanilla tracks there are already a ton being played, so the chances are less for individual tracks.
- 4/5,
Had to disable a couple of songs (both Edvard Grieg tracks) as they felt really out of place for Starbound.
Author's Response
to each their own :)
- 3/5,
I downloaded it yesterday and the music was great so far, but I started playing it today and ony my planet the default music faded out to this excessive annoying beeping sound that won't go away.
Author's Response
consult the main page for the mod. there is a patch available to fix that issue linked there right under the logo. It was uploaded that way so that people didnt need to download 500 megs for a 3kb fix.
- 5/5,
The mod is great but the download website is terrible (for me at least). Cant a mirror be provided? Literally cant get past 20% before the entire flash page freezes.
Author's Response
yea, its a crappy place for sure. The file is just so HUGE. I'll swap it to mediafire, though. That seems far more reliable. It also gives me an excuse to finally update the mod a bit by adding more music and the new biomes as options.
- 5/5,
Enhances the game's already good soundtrack with a ton of great songs. Really adds atmosphere to some of the FU biomes as well.
- 5/5,
I love the music that is in this mod.
I'm wondering though do you have a soundtrack so we can listen to the music from this mod without being in game?-
Author's Response
yea, go into the mod folder /music and listen to it there.
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