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Fun with Gravitons V3.22

Defying gravity!

  1. Gravmanipulator object protection

    Graviton Manipulator now also toggles all the protection of all tiles occupied by an object when an object is clicked on, rather than a single tile. You will also need to set protection on the tiles that object is anchored to for proper protection, but this should speed up protecting your space stations objects.
  2. Gravpad/ring communication fix

    Fix for my gravpad/rings scripts which had stopped communicating properly.
    Pohany likes this.
  3. Graviton Manipulator

    Added a new tool for use aboard player space stations.
  4. Fix for 1.3 release

    Updated properly for Starbound 1.3.
  5. Fix

    Some small script changes.
  6. Gravrail Control Unit fix

    The Gravrail Control object had some bugs. Should now work!
    sosmic and Pohany like this.
  7. Recipe fix

    The recipes for the Graviton Rail/Shaft Control objects weren't appearing on the Graviton Table properly. Fixed.
    sosmic and Pohany like this.
  8. Graviton Rails


    Added Gravrails / Gravrail Control Unit objects, made at the Graviton Table. Gravrails are from 1 to 30 tiles in length. These allow speedy horizontal travel.


    Interacting with a Control Unit will send a signal to adjoining rails, changing the direction (cycling with interaction, more discerning control with wiring.) Gravrails signal their adjoining rails to likewiwse change to match direction, down the rail line until another...
    Pohany, sosmic, bk3k and 1 other person like this.
  9. Graviton Projectors - Fixed!

    Graviton rings/pads now project their area of effect further (rings effecting about 8 tiles beneath, pads 6 tiles above) giving them more efficiency.
    bk3k likes this.
  10. Graviton Force Fields

    Added Graviton Force Field Doors, which can only be passed one way when on, available in the same styles as the elevator objects. These have a default direction determined at object placement.

    These can be turned on/off only from the side of the field that allows you through, unless the object has its on/off input node wired up (in which case it can only be turned on and off via that inputs wire signal.)

    They have four nodes, two inputs and two outputs. The...
    baconsama25 and sosmic like this.