I am proud to present my first mod - THE FAUSTIANS
1563 a.d.
Faust, after leaving an arkane career he setled down with his wife and lived hapilly until Vienna was atacked by demons. But the didnt know who the agroed and were swept away by Fausts superior magic. By breacking his oath to leave his previous life he was cursed and mutated along with his wife - Talia, they went into outcasting.
2214 a.d.
The order is cast into space and fled from Earth seekind to complete the oath of Faust and the Book of truth.
Order- a small but powerfu formation that dates its existance to the early renesians.
Education of Initiates-educated for a whole 20 years the master every dissipline that the humankind has spawned: medicine, engineering ,maths are only a few.
Initiation-taken from orphanages mostly at the age of 6-9 the Initiates are mutated and taught. They enter the Outer circle at 26-29 and live for about 3000 years.
Pics coming soon!
-variants(color for the skin and second color not working)
any char creation extender
personaly i use this one
CREDITS : Ziz - for fixing the mod,
krab421 - you cant forget me ,can you?
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(glad giraffe)Faustians[DISCONTINUED] v 0.81
a race ,WIP ,will add new features shortly
Recent Updates
- neck is on(v0.81) Jun 21, 2016
- repaints Jun 20, 2016
- Fixes Jun 17, 2016