This is a mod with some Glitch stuff, mostly cosmetic helmets, that I've been working on occasionally.![]()
Glitch Armor Addon
This mod includes:
New helmets/hats, most with craftable variants.
- Sallet- the helmet that's been in my profile picture for awhile. Alt versions widen the eyeslot and/or gives it a bevor to protect the neck.
- Kettle Helm- Can also craft versions with a cloth or chain coif.
- Bascinet- Alt version removes the face plate.
- Hooded Bascinet- Alt version removes the face plate.
- Frog-mouth Helm
- Wizard S.A.I.L. Hat- based on the hat the Beta Glitch S.A.I.L. wore. Alt version also comes with a fake beard!
Two new full armor sets:
- Gambeson. Armor usually made of wool or linen.
Two weapons, both tier 3, that can be upgraded with the anvils in the ancient vaults:
- Classic Mail. Based on old art by Suweeka. The artwork was originally used for the "Introducing the Glitch" blog post. The set has a helmet with has many alternate colors, even though the Glitch in the art didn't wear a helmet...
- Glitch Lance- Based on the lances the horse-riding Glitch use.
- Glitch Halberd- Based on the halberds found on random castle walls
One rarely spawning tiny castle. There isn't really anything to do there other than generated vanilla npc quests. It spawns in forest, jungle, savannah, snow, and tundra biomes; and its ID is csk_glitchcastle
All armor and weapons are crafted with a Glitch Armor Anvil, which you can craft at an Inventor's Table, regardless if you have a Glitch character or not.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Glitch Armor Addon 1.0.2
Helmets and more!