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Outdated Hair Accessoire color for Human and Apex 1.2B - Human + Apex

Bugfix: See your underware color. In your Hair!

  1. Alternate Version, that adds Color for Apex hair

    This update adds a way to display colorizable hair accessoires for the apex race. The colors are directly linked to the fur color, in other words: every fur color has his own decoration color. The downside is that they are fixed and can't be mixed. See the color chart below.

    This "works" with standard hair, too. BUT none of the standard hair has an accessoire, so there is no visible change, unless you have a hairmod that adds apex hair deco.
    Both features, human undiecolor and apex deco, are already a part of AnTiHair and you don't need this mod here anymore.

    The intention of this mod is to give hair modders more opportunities and freedom.
    If you make a hairmod, feel free to add this mod either by using "dependencies" or copy it directly into your .species.
    The key-colors that will be colorized are the same red colors that Floran and Hylotl use. All four values are added.

    • Human.species is still combatible with everything
    • Apex.species has its bodyColors OVERWRITTEN. That means there is potential for incompatibility. Worst case is colors not showing up, nothing fatal. If you have a mod that modifies Apex Fur Color, feel free to copy the code below over.
    Please delete the old version first! I renamed the folders.



     "bodyColor" : [                   /// Deco Color starts at f32200
        { "e0975c" : "7e5938", "a85636" : "5d3e25", "6f2919" : "422a18", "f32200" : "f4988c", "dc1f00" : "d93a3a", "be1b00" : "932625", "951500" : "601119" },
        { "e0975c" : "595760", "a85636" : "3f3e43", "6f2919" : "212123", "f32200" : "96cbe7", "dc1f00" : "5588d4", "be1b00" : "344495", "951500" : "1a1c51" },
        { "e0975c" : "d98f30", "a85636" : "a4601e", "6f2919" : "794515", "f32200" : "ffffa7", "dc1f00" : "e2c344", "be1b00" : "a46e06", "951500" : "642f00" },
        { "e0975c" : "8f4a24", "a85636" : "66351f", "6f2919" : "522b1d", "f32200" : "b2e89d", "dc1f00" : "51bd3b", "be1b00" : "247824", "951500" : "144216" },
        { "e0975c" : "e4f3f3", "a85636" : "a7b9b9", "6f2919" : "7b8888", "f32200" : "838383", "dc1f00" : "555555", "be1b00" : "383838", "951500" : "151515" },
        { "e0975c" : "7e5938", "a85636" : "5d3e25", "6f2919" : "422a18", "f32200" : "d29ce7", "dc1f00" : "a451c4", "be1b00" : "6a2284", "951500" : "320c40" },
        { "e0975c" : "c43d3d", "a85636" : "961e21", "6f2919" : "751922", "f32200" : "e6e6e6", "dc1f00" : "b6b6b6", "be1b00" : "7b7b7b", "951500" : "373737" },
        { "e0975c" : "597e38", "a85636" : "415d25", "6f2919" : "2e4218", "f32200" : "ffd495", "dc1f00" : "ea9931", "be1b00" : "af4e00", "951500" : "6e2900" },
        { "e0975c" : "fbf6c4", "a85636" : "cac488", "6f2919" : "959166", "f32200" : "eab3db", "dc1f00" : "d35eae", "be1b00" : "97276d", "951500" : "59163f" }
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