Hero Academia Mod WIP! (katsuki and deku finished)
Downloadable files right now:
Hero academia Just katsuki - Replaces alex
Hero academia Just deku- Replaces harvey
Hero academia Both Deku and katsuki
The files contain
The pixels,portraits,Dialogue and
NpcDispositions Which what i used to change his name for when you talk to them.
Katsuki -finished dialogue, sprites and portraits- Replaces Alex
Deku: finished dialogue, sprites and portraits- Replaces Harvey
(WIP)Shota: Just pixel and portrait finished Dialouge not added yet- replaces willy
(Wip)Kirishima: Just pixel and portrait finished Dialouge not added yet- replaces elliot
Other characters not started yet, but will start soon
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Hero academia Mod WIP Katsuki and deku finished 1.3
Replaces alex and harvey