So very, very, VERY useful. Love it!
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Improved Swim Physics! v13
Reworks Starbound's swim engine!
- 5/5,
Excellent mod, no more shall i suffer from the evil that is S w i m m i n g
- 5/5,
Tested and works like a charm.
The physics are well and no glitches.
Aproved. -
- 5/5,
I started building a base in an ocean biome for obvious reasons and quickly began to hate vanilla swim physics so much I was contemplating constructing elsewhere. Thanks for this mod!
- 4/5,
Loving the mod right now. I actually makes Ocean planet and its tempered cousins less of a slog and something more enjoyable.
- 5/5,
Is this compatible with Frackin Races? Seeing as it increases the swim speed for Hyloti? Would they still have increased speed or would the directional swimming be the same regardless?
The Avelon
- 5/5,
This mod is absolutely necessary to my game. If something conflicts with this mod, it does not get installed. This is also what inspired me to seek out a better dashing solution than the Up+Left/Right hotkey combination, so you have Sock_Bunny to thank if you use Zerotap.
Author's Response
awww :D thank you so much <3
- 4/5,
absolutely necessary for good gameplay.
i only got one bug: when using spheres, the speed is way too high and buggy.-
Author's Response
I'll see if I can fix that :D
Goat Plushie
- 5/5,
It's a lot smoother, and in missions where swimming is required like in Grand Pagoda Library, essential. plus if you have commands you can just flood an area and feel like you are flying.
- 5/5,
great fix, other hazard liquids are still not giving effects with just touching them, but npcs in water are working great
Author's Response
You need to be swimming in them to get the effects. Standing won't work :o
- 5/5,
Ok so, my first review was awful because of some sort of conflict between mods : I guess the "combinable augments" mod (
After reading the author's response, I uninstalled all my augments but the swim augment. I then re-installed all of them one by one in order to find which one was in conflict (mobility, speed, gravity...), but in the end, I was swimming just fine with all the augments !
I don't quite understand where the problem was, but hey, in the end the Improved Swim Physics work perfectly !
Thank you for your advices, and good job ! ;)
(sorry again for bad-talking about your mod ^^' )-
Author's Response
it's okay :D
the gravity augment messes with the swimming, but it should let you swim if you take off the EPP with the gravity augment and put it back on when you're underwater
- 5/5,
This sure makes swimming more, ya know, like SWIMMING!
I personally never really liked that in most 2d games Swimming is more like constantly sinking and spamming jump, and usually need some kind of upgrade or item to swim better.
Also i noticed that the fish move more speedy and erratic, so more like actual fish.
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