Are you a cultured swine?
Do you like those pesky fish aliens and cultural appropriation?
Then this mod is for you!
Jokes aside, this mod is a solid 5/5 stars, definitely recommend it if you like Japanese style furniture.
Had this in my collection before I made this account, I'm glad to see this one's still updating.
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ItA - Enter the Dragon Temple 1.22
Adds Hylotl Themed Shrine & Cultural Objects
- 5/5,
Greenfinger Abibi
- 5/5,
What can I say? This mod's furniture is just sooo..amazing!
Author's Response
I added the hylotacinth per your previous request for more plants. It is a platform item without need for an anchor, so it can appear floating in a pond or even suspended in mid-air.
- 5/5,
Really darn fantastic Objects. Great to spice up any housing or villages. Even has working recipes now (with Tabula Rasa).
Author's Response
Thank you Dao! Hope you enjoy it. There's more to come!
- 5/5,
There is a mod rather similar to this, but I like this ones style a bit better. 10/10 5 Stars, Best Mod This Week -IGN
Author's Response
Pohanny has done some amazing work on their HylotlStuff mod, we started developing these around the same time a couple months ago. Not much overlap, and the aesthetic fits nicely when used together. Thanks for the review!
- 5/5,
Honestly, looking at the list: my mouth is just watering for Japanese aesthetic furniture; HOWEVER, understand that it's still being updated bit by bit - with many things in the screenshots and list seemingly missing at the moment as I've just tested and tried to search for them immediately.
Though, this should not deter you from supporting the modder for making a wonderful return to Starbound v1.0!
Author's Response
Thanks so much! I'll post some more later this evening. Doors are definitely broken.
Try your pixel printer for everything but the anvil, just /admin and search using the hylotl tag.
- 5/5,
i need help, how do i obtain these items, i tried looking for the furniture but i couldnt find it in the crafting table, i really need some help thx , other than that the mod looks beutiful
- 5/5,
Love the quality of pixel art here. Everything fals into line with the Hylotl lore expertly. I can feel my immersion levels rising...
- 5/5,
Can you add more plants like tentacula?Or atleast a tentacula with flowers or cool looking seed/spore pods.
Author's Response
I have a shellfish oyster-like new crop and recipes coming up in the next update. I'll think about some new plants :) and animations.
Author's Response
Sure is! I believe it works on Nightly too, but haven't tested it completely.
- 5/5,
5 stars, The hylotl are my favorite race and definitely need more decorative objects c: and everything works well and looks nice within the game
Author's Response
Thanks a bunch! Trying to push some more things into the next update! Stay tuned.
- 5/5,
Working beautifully and the items are incredibly gorgeous. So much effort has clearly gone into this. Each piece is a work of art. A must have for hylotls and anyone wanting Japanese furniture in game!
Author's Response
Thanks Charlie, glad the last update got it to work for you.
- 5/5,
I am a floran.. BUT I NEED THIS MOD!!! HYLOTLS ARE MY FRIENDS!!! It is an amazing mod, truly amazing.
- 5/5,
I am SO IN LOVE with this mod! The items are so fitting for our new hylotl towns, and they expand more upon the hylotl traditional aesthetic. The pixel art is fitting for the already-present hylotl furniture, AND for incorporating real-life items without going overboard on the references to asian culture (and it appears to be well researched, too, with a kodama statue that is just wonderful).
Thank you SO MUCH for this mod! It fills a much-needed niche with the hylotl, and I will be making sure to watch and update as much as possible.-
Author's Response
You're very welcome! And thank you for the 5 star review. I'll be honing the descriptions and make sure there are recipes for all the custom items. If you have any item requests I'd be happy to see what I can do.
Author's Response
Thanks for the great review! New update w/ more content coming soon.