Heads up! Most of my recent activity has been JSON Coding items into the game. Way more fun knowing you can use them online and with friends, and there's no need to download and install. Check them out:
Jaxine's Armory (JSON Code Items)
All my Weapons are gonna go here now. You want them all at once? Well you can go ahead and slam that "Download Now" button in the top right with your mouse pointer thingy.
If you have any of the mods in this pack already installed, either don't add the new ones from this pack, or
"But Jaxine, half of your weapons suck. I just want the good ones!"
Well, "second verse same as the first". Hit "Download Now". You'll see how to cherry-pick your preferred mods when you scroll aallllll the way down to the "Instillation" section.
Installation Section!
Get Them In Game!
Weapons List!
.50 Cal Anti-Materiel Rifle (.50 AMR)
Eugine (Minigun)
Ye Olden Legendblade
Greenfinger's Bow
Traditional Hylotl Armor
Protectorate Armor & Commander Attire
Protector's Elitesword (and "Repaired" Protectorate Broadsword)
Legendary Katanas
Demon Lord's Blade
Protectorate Elitesword
Sephiroththic Masamune
Hylotl Traditional Katana Rack Swords
Legendary Sword Excalibur
Future Plans!
Version History (Full Pack)
Q&A Section
Special Thanks / Contributes / Credits / Etc.
Special Thanks
Installation Section!
Step X!!!)
Delete "Traditional Hyoltl Katanas" from your mods folder. You only have to do this the one time.
Step 1!
Right click on "JAXINE'S ARMORY!.zip", hit Extract.
Sep 2!
Select witch weapons you want based on the named folders inside the main "JAXINE'S ARMORY!" folder.
Or select all and paste all in Mods folder. That's fine too.
It will not work.
(Tip: Set up your folder options to place check boxes by files.)
Step 3?
Place selected folders in "starbound/mods" folder.
Step π!
Kill things.
Kill A LOT of things.
With EXTREME prejudice.
ESPECIALLY those annoying orange blob-things.
Ohhhh God I hate those.
Step 0!
Open "starbound/mods" folder.
Step 9!
Delete or relocate any of my mod folders. Refer to this page for the list.
Get Them In Game!
To get them in game, recipes will be learned when each item's rarest component is obtained. you can craft them with all the required components ant ANY anvil.
Or if ya wana cheat the system...
- in chat type in "/admin"
- then "/spawnitem" followed with a space
- then the "item name" (listed at the bottom of each weapon's section below) to spawn it in.
- Also, have your mouse courser beside or over your character. It spawns items where it's pointing.
- You have to put in "/admin" again to disable god-mode.
- Apparently, this does NOT dissable achivements. Wiorked for me, anyway.
You can spawn in LEVELED versions of each item as well. follow above instructions, accept for the second "/admin" command.
- put a SPACE after the M NAME.
- put a "1", then another SPACE.
-put in EXACTLY what is in this code.where the only acception is "X", witch is your level of choice. "1" being weakest, like iron. "7" is very high, like end-tier weapons and armor. "10" is the max for highest stats.Code:'{"level":X}'
(I take no responsibility for anything going wrong with Command use.)
Weapons List!
All weapons in the pack are described below.
My newest are always first.
The Minigun. From Hell.
Ok. This s#!t... isn't even fair. I'm not even going to lie to you, it's ridiculous. But dat CONSTANT STREAM OF EXPLOSIVE ROUNDS doh! IT SCATTERS YOUR ENEMIES ACROSS THE HORIZON AND PAINTS THE LANDSCAPE RED WITH THEIR BLOOD!! (I do not believe I am insane, nor do I admit having a problem.) It fires Armor Piercing Rounds as a secondary... as if you'd use it. We all know you won't. You'll try it once, be like "meh." and never right-click again.
So don't play the "balance" card on this one. Balanced version next time. If it's not OP enough, I'll make it OP.
Also it's named after the special, unique variant of the Minigun from Fallout 3.
1.0 - Release.
Item Name
for "/spawnitem" command:
.50 Caliber Anti-Materiel Rifle
(or just .50 AMR)
Got a Mech problem? Or just tired of enemies being dicks? Be one back with this high velocity rifle that will splatter them all over the terrain! Recommended you use a blood mod. This thing fires Armor Piercing Rounds by default, and Explosive Rounds as secondary. Also recommended to zoom the screen out to the max in your Options menu for better aim.
1.0 - Release.
Item Name
for "/spawnitem" command:
Ye Olden Legendblade
This basic-looking sword is made to look like the default Legendblade sword looked like back in Starbound's early days. Back then, it was one of the rarer and stronger weapons. It was also the inspiration for my popular "Excalibur".
It is roughly the same in stats to the default Legendblade. It is NOT a replacer.
1.0 - Release.
Item Name
for "/spawnitem" command:
Greenfinger's Bow
A Bow I came up with while using"Rock Bow" with my new Floran character. Said "this would look cool if it was like wooden branches". So it came to be. I didn't like the red feathers on the arrows... so I made my own. Also it won't have an arrow before or after you fire. More realistic that way.
1.0 - Release.
Item Name
for "/spawnitem" command:
Protectorate Armor, Commander Outfit, and Traditional Hyoltl Armor
From left to right: The Protectorate Armor or Power Armor, if you like), Commander's attire with pants, Commander's attire with skirt (both included), and Traditional Hylotl Armor.
The Protectorate Armor is on par with the three different sets of end-game armors, only instead of being better ate thing, it balances its stats to be a bit better overall.
The commander outfits are astetic. They might have some stats, but they're low.
The Hylotl Armor is one level past Tungsten.
1.0 - Release.
Item Name
for "/spawnitem" command:
Protectorate Armor -
"protectorateelitearmorhead", "protectorateelitearmorchest", "protectorateelitearmorlegs", "protectorateelitearmorepp"
Protectorate Commander Outfit -
"protectoratecommanderhead", "protectorateelitearmorchest", "protectorate2legs" (skirt), "protectoratecommandercape"
Traditional Hylotl Armor-
"hylotltieroghead", "hylotltierogchest", "hylotltierogpants"
(it says Hylotl Tier OG. OG being a gangster term for "original gangster". Also can be used to mean just "original" or "first".)
Protector's Elitesword (Empowerment)
& "Repaired" Protectorate Broadsword
Now my Elitesword has an Empowerment version! Does not replace old one. Have fun. Build with 25 Durasteel Bars, 10 Silicon Boards, 4 Batteries, and 1 Diamond.
And ever wanted to shine up the Broken Broadsword? Now you can. Costs you 30 Tungsten Bars.
1.0 - Release.
Item Name
for "/spawnitem" command:
"protectorselitesword" (for empowerment one)
"protectoratebroadsword3" (for basic one)
Legendary Katanas
The Legendary Masamune Katana, said to be the finest sword of its kind ever crafted. Also said to cut only what must be cut, granting power to defend its wielder.
Uses Physical damage, Spin Slash special, has a high swing speed, and is an endgame-tier weapon. Craft at a Blacksmithing station with 10 Solarium Stars and 7 Titanium Bars.
The Legendary Muramasa Katana, said to be posessed with an evil, bloodthirsty demon that awards its wielder with power in return for bloodshed.
Uses Physical damage, Spin Slash special, has a high swing speed, and is an endgame-tier weapon. Craft at a Blacksmithing station with 10 Refined Volarium and 7 Titanium Bars.
Also included is a custom Codex called "Legend Of The Two Swords" for any of you lore fans out there. Tells the story of the two swords, their creators, and is all based off of real-life Japanese Legend. If you look close at the book cover, you can make out the Japanease Character "Ken", for "Sword".
Obtain it by crafting it with your bare hands for 25 Pixels.
1.2 - Recipies changed. Muramasa now learns with Volarium.
1.1 - Weapon recipes learned when rarest component is obtained. Codex included.
1.0 - Release.
Item Name
for "/spawnitem" command:
masamunekatana (Masamune)
muramasakatana (Muramasa)
legendarykatanas-codex (Legend Of The Two Swords Codex. Put the "-codex" in.)
Demon Lord's Blade
The Hellforged Demon Lord's Blade, said to only be attainable by the Overlords of Netherworld Realms outside the very fabric of our own existence. Ahnialation in the palm of your hand!
Uses Fire damage, Traveling Slash special, has a high swing speed, and is an endgame-tier weapon. Craft at a Blacksmithing station with 13 Refined Volarium, 5 Scorched Cores, 7 Hardened Carapace, and 3 Core Fragments.
1.2 Recipie Changed. Learns with Volarium.
1.1 - Weapon recipes learned when rarest component is obtained.
1.0 - Release.
Item Name
for "/spawnitem" command:
Protectorate Elitesword
A high end Sword used by Elite Officers of the Terran Protectorate in the form of an unbroken and upgraded version of the "Broken Broadsword".
Uses Physical damage, Spin Slash special, and is a mid-endgame-tier weapon. Craft at a Blacksmithing station with 40 Titanium Bars and 20 Durasteel Bars.
1.1 - Weapon recipes learned when rarest component is obtained.
1.0 - Release.
Item Name
for "/spawnitem" command:
Sephiroththic Masamune
An impossibly long katana that is said to be able to cut through anything like butter. If you can wield it.
Uses Physical damage, Spin Slash special, has a high swing speed, and is an endgame-tier weapon. Craft at a Blacksmithing station with 7 Solarium Stars, 30 Titanium Bars.
1.2 - Recipie changed. Now learns with Solarium.
1.1 - Weapon recipes learned when rarest component is obtained.
1.0 - Release.
Item Name
for "/spawnitem" command:
Hylotl Traditional Katana Rack Swords
Ever wanted to take one of those Hyoltl Sword Rack Katanas and swing it around? NOW YOU CAN! This mod adds three Hylotl Traditional Katana Swords; Crimson, Iron, and Gold.
Crimson Uses Physical damage, Super Spin Slash special, and is an earlygame-tier weapon. Craft at a Blacksmithing station with 2 Copper Bars and 4 Tungsten Bars.
Iron Uses Physical damage, Rising Slash special, and is an earlygame-tier weapon. Craft at a Blacksmithing station with 2 Iron Bars and 4 Tungsten Bars.
Gold Uses Physical damage, Spin Slash special, and is an earlygame-tier weapon. Craft at a Blacksmithing station with 2 Gold Bars and 4 Tungsten Bars.
1.2 - Fixed typos. Main folder was Hyotl > Hylotl. So basically I boched update 1.1. Also fixed Iron Katana, typo "Iorn". REQUIRES OLD FILE 1.0 DELETED BEFORE NEW FILE INSTALLED! AGAIN!
1.1 - Fixed crafting glitch where Tungsten Bars showed up as Generic Item. (Found by: LordRael, Chucklefish Forums.) Fixed folder name typo Hyloti > Hylotl. REQUIRES OLD FILE 1.0 DELETED BEFORE NEW FILE INSTALLED.
1.0 - Release.
Item Name
for "/spawnitem" command:
hylotlogsword1 (gold)
hylotlogsword2 (iron)
hylotlogsword3 (crimson)
Uses Physical damage, Spin Slash special, has a high swing speed, and is an endgame-tier weapon. Craft at a Blacksmithing station with 10 Solarium Stars, 20 Titanium Bars, 20 Silver Bars, and 3 Diamonds.
1.3 - Recipe changed.
1.2 - Weapon recipes learned when rarest component is obtained.
1.1 - Removed Super Spin Slash, replaced it with regular Spin Slash. The super was annoying to use. Also increased swing speed.
1.0 - Release. Uses Physical damage, Super Spin Slash special.
Item Name
for "/spawnitem" command:
Future Plans!
This is where I outline anything I'm either working on, or plan to make in the future. Keep in mind, I'm more of a Blacksmith than I am an Armorer or Gunsmith. Melee weapons are the focus.
Floran Spear, a basic wood handled spear for Tribal Florans. Better than hoping to find a nice looking random one. Swings like a broadsword though.
Regular Minigun, being just a basic, high rate of fire chaingun that is far less OP than Eugine.
Buster Sword, Cloud Strife's main weapon in Final Fantasy VII. This is gonna be a large-ass sword.
Dragonslayer, Guts' massive weapon from Berserk. This thing is going to be the largest weapon I make, by far.
Thousandlimbs, Guts pre-Dragonslayer sword from Berserk. Name was taken from its crossover appearance in Dragon's Dogma.
Probly not doing Katanas for a bit unless requested xD
Xylia Shifra Scimitar, a one-handed overhead swinging sword that works like the Soulseeker, or a one-handed axe without the charge up. Will make an awesome Pirate Sword too. (As requested by Xylia)
Lightsabers, based off the Solus Katana, so they will "extend" on first swing and stay that way until you sheathe them or switch weapons. Expect Blue, Green, and Red, all with silver handles, dark grey handles, curved handles and crossguard handles. all one handed, but might use Soulseeker animations over the standard (crap) one-handed swings.
More Light...Weapons? if the first batch of Lightsabers take off, there will be a two-handed knight-sword Lightsaber, a long, thin two-handed katana-like Lightsaber, and a double sided Lightsaber with Spear animations.
Version History (Full Pack)
Added Protectorate Armor set, Protectorate Commander set with cape and optional pants or skirt, Traditionallotl Armor, Folran style Greenfinger's Bow, a .50 Caliber Anti-Materiel rifle with armor piercing / explosive rounds, the Legendblade from Starbound's Beta days, and a FREAKING MINIGUN NAMED EUGINE.
Extreme bug-stomping, turning into a full on PURGE with absolute MAXIMUM prejudice and EXCESSIVE use of CAPITAL LETTERS. It was not fun.
Added Protectors Elitesword. Similar to my Protectorate Elitesword, only it now has Empowerment!! (Requested by dafax)
(Credit to Inf_Wolf14, helped on coding)
Added a "Repaired" Broken Broadsword, simply called "Protectorate Broadsword".
Added Q&A entry to explain my Protectorate Swords better.
Recipies re-evaluated.
Excalibur now also requires 20 Silver.
Sephirothic Masamune requires Solarium instead of Gold.
Muramasa now requires 10 Volarium, no Scortched Cores. Learns with Volarium.
Masamune's Solarium is now 10.
Demon Lord's Blade requires 13 Volarium, learns with Volarium.
Protectorate Elitesword sprite's crossguard "wings" removed. Damaged lowered for balance. Alternate sprite is still available in file with installation instructions.
All weapon recipes learned when rarest component is obtained. Fixed folder name typo that I screwed up in last update, Hyoti > Hylotl. REQUIRES OLD FILE 1.0 DELETED BEFORE NEW FILE INSTALLED! AGAIN!
Added in "Legendary Katanas" pack. Fixed crafting glitch for "Traditional Hyoltl Katanas where Tungsten Bars showed up as Generic Item. (Found by: LordRael, Chucklefish Forums.) Fixed folder name typo Hyloti > Hylotl. REQUIRES OLD FILE 1.0 DELETED BEFORE NEW FILE INSTALLED.
Supposed to be, idk what happened. Added "Protectorate Elitesword" and "Demon Lord's Blade". Also added "contents" page, "get them in game" section, and "Item ID" names.
Q&A Section
Some questions I have either been asked, or may very well get asked.
Q:What's the difference between all the Protectorate swords?
"Protectorate" Are the standard issue versions of the swords.
"Protector's" are the high-tier "Empowerment" swords.
"Broadsword" are the regular length blades.
"Elitesword" are the longer blades.
Broken Broadsword, Base Game. Broken version of Protector's Broadsword.
Protector's Broadsword, Base Game. Upgraded at Outpost in Endgame from Broken Broadsword.
Protectorate Broadsword. My Mod. A standard issue Terran Protectorate sword, or just a plain, unbroken version of the Broken Broadsword. In between above two swords.
Protectorate Elitesword. My Mod. Terran Protectorate Elite Officer's sword. Same as above with longer blade and more power.
Protector's Elitesword. My Mod. Ultimate Terran Protectorate Elitesword for Utmost-Elite Officers, such as Generals and the Grand Protector.
Q: Are you going yo be uploading more weapons and keeping updated"
A: Hell yeah.
Q: Why bundle? Why not just upload each file on its own?
A: Tried that. TOS don't like it. This is kind-of better anyway.
Q: Can you make me a weapon?
A: Yes. But, its going in my mod pack. You'll be credited as the Designer, and myself as the mod creator. You'll still be able to upload the weapon and whatever.
Q: Can I edit, re-upload, or use your mods to make my own?
A: Yep. Credit me. Also PM me a link, I wanna try em out.
Q: The mod isn't showing up in game?
A: News to me. They're all tested extensively to work. Contact me, I'll help ya out.
Q: Can I get recolors and different specs on these weapons?
A: Yep you can. But I'm not doing it lol (Unless I like you alot)
Q: Thought I seen some other mods of yours, but there gone. Why?
A: Probly wasn't TOS friendly. Look me up on the Nexus, you'll find some of my other mods there.
Q: Why,, etc? Why not just 1.1, 1.2?
A: 01100011 01110101 01111010 00100000 01101001 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110.
Real A: That way the Pack Version isn't confused with each Weapon Version.
Special Thanks / Contributes / Credits / Etc.
Special Thanks
First, big THANKS to all Downloaders!
EPIC THANKS to Reviewers and Bug-Finders!
To The_Daily_Herp (Chucklefish Forums),
First ever review on my first ever mod!
To Phantaeon (Chucklefish Forums),
Probly prevented me getting warned lol.
To Lindazana (Chucklefish Forums),
Definitely prevented me from getting warned, or maybe banned xD
To Inf_Wolf14 (Chucklefish Forums)
For his help (see below)
Inf_Wolf14 - Protector's Elitesword Help.
*Sephirothic Masamune owned by Squerenix.
*Eugine Minigun inspired by "Eugine", unique weapon in Fallout 3.
*Some sprite and most all code / other assets belong to original Game Makers and such.
Have Fun!
*Jaxine, Jaxine's Armory, and all affiliates of the previously stated do not accept liability or responsibility for any maiming, murder, genocide, destruction or any other form of use or misuse of any item from any or all of this mod pack may and most likely will cause. Players are to remember not to run with sharp objects and to point firearms away from own face. If player chooses to point firearms at one-self, consult a mental health specialist immediately and do not continue being stupid. Players are also reminded to play in a well lit area at all times. Failure not to do so may result in some if not possibly all of the following: eye strain, drowsiness, headaches, loss of brain cells, cancer, ebola and third degree death. Players are reminded to take regular bathroom breaks. Failure to do so may and with your luck, most likely will cause the following: pissing one-self, shitting one-self, bladder infection, constipation, bleeding, stupidity, doctor's appointments and death. maybe. Players are reminded to make sure one-self can distinguish a game from reality. if one finds themself beating prostitutes with a baseball bat, taking their money, and stealing a car in broad daylight outside a video game, consult either a mental health specialist or the authorities immediately. if you read all this, you may want to question what you spend your time doing. this is sixty-five percent meaningless crap. thank you.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.
Jaxine's Armory!
All of my Weapon Mods in one place!
Recent Updates
-!!! Oct 7, 2016
- Jaxine's Armory! (Update 6) Aug 30, 2016
- Jaxine's Armory! (Update 5+) (Crash Bug2) Aug 30, 2016