Kids - Community ModStarbound is needing children wandering around villages, pursuing their uncles in adventures, and playing in their schools.
Official Topic
Some villagers talking about kids:
- They are amazing little versions of us, wandering around and making our day better;
- I watched a kid, last day, hunting fireflies in the lake. Good times;
- Kiddssshh look tassthhh;
While adventurers around world are helping them, saying:
- I love my kid, he is away at my side, adventuring in caverns, new planets and, uuuuooohhh, he has traveled more than me!
- This kid will keep my business when I retire myself;
- He have a new processor, and 10 mil more ram!
Famous Adventurers with their own kids disciples and patnerships:
Adopt a child and help us release it.
What we expect of you? The phrase:
- Where do I sign in?
- The Cat:
Make your own Kid, participating, learning how and joining our Official Topic:
- Installation:
- Drop and unzip the downloaded file inside your Mod folder;
- If you use a Mod Manager, simple update it;
- Mode of Use:
- In game, press C, select Your favorite kid and create him, place the Pod over ground and Press E over him and that's it!
- You can, also, capture your Kid with a capture pod, and release him whenever you want!
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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KIDS - COMMUNITY MOD Pleased Giraffe 15/08/31
Because the Universe need more kids!
Recent Updates
- Pleased Giraffe 2015/08/31 - Added support to Pleased Giraffe version. Sep 1, 2015
- 1.5 - Welcome to Huijiro and Duel! Mar 7, 2014
- 1.4 - Welcome to Bina Mar 6, 2014