This mod adds:
Gfycat demos:
- One handed bows for the bioluminescent and midnight biomes.
- Massive improvements for the Light Bow, such as fullbright, glow, an alt ability which includes homing arrows, and cave exploring potential with luminous arrows that stick to walls for a long period of time. Includes a higher tier version if found on frozen or dark planets.
- A two handed Dark Bow found in midnight biome chests, its alt ability deals massive damage at very long ranges but is very weak at close ranges.
- Smart homing arrows for the light bow which actively discern between untargetable entities, passive entities, and hostile entities/
- A blessing and curse system: Curse your enemies with darkness then shatter the curse for massive damage! Bless your enemies with light then shatter the blessing for massive damage! Also works with handbows.
- Add more one handed handbows
- Add more biome bows
- Get better art for the dark handbow
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Light and Dark Bows 1.0.9
Adds bows to midnight and bioluminescent biomes and greatly improves the light bow