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Locus Les Loupes 1.1

Barbaric Battle Hardened Wolves from deep space

  1. Neowhulfe
    It was long thought that the Locus Les Loupes had all been wiped out in a Galactic battle far off in the universe. The details of the battle still remain a mystery, but rumors say that the Locus Les Loupes had made claims to the galactic throne and would not be turned away. This caused A lot of hostility in the sectors that the species occupied.. it is said that these hostilities are why the Galactic battle happened. Since there were no survivors of the battle there was no one to report what actually happened. On occasion you can find a codex that gives minute details, but most of the data is corrupted.

    Recently there have been rumors of a great number of attacks on far outlying outposts. The attackers have killed and eaten all survivors as well as taken all the technology that could be found. Great historians have stated that these attacks sound vaguely familiar to a time before the great galactic battle. Where the savage species of wolves known as the Locus Les Loupes were known to raid in this manner. But could this be them.......arent they all dead....... Maybe what we know of them and what happen to them is not what it appears!

    there is still plenty of work to be done here....
    ToDo list:
    - sprites for all parts - character is done but needs touch ups)
    - custom ship (currently hylotl T0-T2 is in progress, please give feedback)
    - custom armor
    - custom vehicle/s
    - custom weapons
    - npcs
    - wolf packs/camps
    - unique furniture and structure blocks
    - blueprints for all the above

    Link to steam workshop posting - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=732138345
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.


    1. LLLfem.png
    2. LLLtest2.png
    DukeLeMeme and Redacted Revenant like this.

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  1. version 1.1

Recent Reviews

  1. jesus234
    Version: 1.1
    I only have a problem when I click to download it, it takes me to dropbox and this is Error 404)
    We can not find the page you are looking for you can put another link plz I see that your race is very good but I can not for the error plz could you fix it?
  2. Werez
    Version: 1.1
    Very poor race, the body is ripped off from Avali's race, removed arm feathers and tail is just tail feather. And replaced wolf head, try to be a bit original but you did very well with a ship, if I rate poor, I'd rate average for nice ship. Overall, it need some work with race design.