Change Log:
- Essence of Aura drops still have compatibility issues with Enhanced Storage, solutions were tried to be met with failure. Requires Enhanced Storage update to make their files compatible friendly. Do not remove Enhanced Storage to make Essence of Aura start dropping again as it may cause a loss of items in modified containers. Please use the one time quest NPC by making a house with a door, light, Auracite Crystallizer, and a colony deed to redeem your essence of aura in the mean time.
- Essence of Aura Recipe for Move Chamber, removed completely (was previously in the files but no longer accessible.)
- Conductive Auracite Crystal renamed to Cunductracite Crystal
- Low Res Radio Message S.A.I.L. images and animations remastered
- Lucario S.A.I.L. quest image remastered
- Essence of Aura image remastered
- Jackal ship pet animations and images remastered
- Cost of tier 4-6 auracites upped to require more materials.
- Credits File updated
- Starter clothing no longer crafted via pixels, now requires 5 fabric per clothing.
- 3x Auracite Crystal recipes created that use bar or refined versions of materials with an additional cost for all Auracites.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.
Lucario Race 1.3.4 2.2
Now you can be a fluzzy Lucario!!!