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Maple 32 1.4.4

Kitchen sink mod, exploration focus, equipment, species.

  1. I started working on this mod jan. 2019, and now I'm an unemployed loser. What SB does to a MF...

    Lemon drops
    Modified Trudger and Visage mech body sprites.

    Some foods have been moved to campfire crafting from normal food crafting.

    Doubled bolts now do more damage but are less accurate.

    Added a magmallow crate so you have an excuse to make magmores

    Added sideways smashable litter bottles based on vanilla smashable bottles.

    Glutt portraits now have different clothes.

    Improved how the vanilla barrel fire looks by making the flame fullbright and adding sparks. I did not add cookability to it...
  2. This weekend I locked in and got shit done... Except basic self care. Time to take a shower!

    Lemon drops

    Updated a few sprites including one that hadn't been updated since prerelease

    Made biotes recipe more expensive, but also produce more at once.

    Applied defense reduction from stygosalt dagger, concussor, snowflake splitter now lasts 2 seconds instead of 1.

    Reenabled iron filings bar recipe

    modified damage output for the concussor and hecatonchire

    Added a new possible microdungeon to drowned depths biome.

    Added 2 new microdungeons to salt flats to break up monotony....
  3. an insultingly small update

    Lemon drops
    Fixed typo causing logspam.

    Fixed memory skill issue regarding adding the November reward promised in the sack description. Now you can turn 10 bags of candy into 1 diamond.

    Added another thing to use sizeable catches for.

    Other small things here and there that aren't worth mentioning or that I forgot happened.
  4. Didn't get much done, but getting rid of the holiday bags was long overdue.

    Lemon drops
    Holiday drops have been reduced to 25% drop chance for future holidays.

    Halloween mode is now over so enemies will no longer drop candy bags.

    Operative's Executioner pistol now applies poisoning because I forgot to make it do that before. Also has been made more accurate.

    Changed item descriptions for daldinium and verdinoct bars and ores.

    Rogue biotes cure stim now can generate in the brutalist and refinery furniture blueprint chests found on bioindustrial planets.

    Buffed the Hammer...
  5. Apologies for this shitty little update.

    Lemon drops
    Fixed oversight that was screwing up "Maple32 + Project Redemption Joint Operation" (this mod is only on steam RN because uploading here is a pain comparatively)

    IV bag and tower PC back items now can have augments inserted into them because why not?
  6. It's that time of year again!

    Lemon drops
    Removed the outpost bathroom stall resprite and made it its own mod to appease the masses.

    Soul drop rate changed from 50% to 15% because some people had issues with inventory clogging.

    Soul stack maximum changed from 5 to 25

    Changed heal and rage grenade recipes.

    Modified an admin only back item so it's sprite looks better and it has more buffs.

    Pelletfern berries can rot now.

    Golek's head thingy glows now.

    Noosefruit no longer stack, and now rot into purple dye, just like how they...
    Happ555 likes this.
  7. Nick I know the fence guy is your favorite gif, but it doesn't qualify as soup.

    Lemon drops
    Rogue biote pellets are a bit more visible now.

    The altered medical scanner now gives bedlike effect for food as well.

    Some item descriptions changed minutely.

    Nuu drop curse strings less frequently (1/5 to 1/6 chance), and not at all if they have been hurt in the last 4 seconds already, preventing acid pools and such things from triggering it.

    Asteroid stations should no longer just connect the end to the beginning, leaving an empty station. They also have had their generation fixed in...
  8. Nicholas you'd better make that damn soup, or I will NEVER leave you alone.

    Lemon drops
    Paper water cups give you soggy paper when you're finished with them.

    Some Nuu food recipe unlocks have been shuffled around.

    Gallonglass requires more glass to make now since 1 glass was a little cheap for a jug the size of your head.

    Resprited marble drink and shredroot soda.

    The tunneling drill now must be crafted at the level 2 farming table instead of level 1.

    Resprited icon for the compact holographic monitor.

    Resprited the wind turbine icon.

    Nuu tier 2 armor set no longer uses...
  9. meme that's just a drunk man hurling an empty glass at the camera and says "bri'ish jumpscare"

    Lemon drops

    Vanilla water coolers can now be used to get paper cups of water and fill bottles. Not very useful but I just wanted to do it. If I get bloat complaints later, I will remove it and make it it's own mod.

    Slight modifications to foliage generation rates on thrashed planets.

    3 more oceanic microdungeons added, one of which is a "fixed" version of an unused one. One of them is more accurate to call a terrain formation since it isn't really a structure.

    Added little holes to...
  10. This is clown world. The only solution to clown world is to fuck off to Greenland. I hate clown worl

    Lemon drops
    Removed shredroot from industrial underground biome (slurry shafts).

    Removed noosefruit from trogloflora preserve underground biome.

    Steamspider variants are now less common.

    Nitrate honey is now forgiving: You may eat one jar per minute without poisoning. If you eat more than that, then you will be poisoned.

    Nitrate honey volatile powder recipe nerfed.

    Updated spore soup, mushroom mush, and campfire stew sprites to look better. Descriptions and recipes were also altered.
