It looks very well done, and it handles pretty nicely. The recent update with the bike was excellent but I noticed a few things. First off, and this may or may not have been intentional, the bike hovers above the ground a good bit. It can be good or bad that way. Secondly, I noticed that if I tried to scale a mountain or hill, I could stay on my bike and so long as the nose touched it would hold up, as if my sprite's physical being was exactly at the nose. Could be a bug or not, just letting you know in case...
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Maverick-Hunters MMX 11.0.3
Featuring Armors, Techs (Ride Armors, Zero- and X-"Modes") and Weapons of the MMX/Z/ZX games
- 5/5,
- 5/5,
A fantastic mod! The armor is good for a new character, as well as vanity armor after that. And the weapons are nice too. The ride armor is nice, although if I might, I'd like to suggest adding a temporary gravity neutralizer effect to the mech. Like a jump, you hold space and for however much energy you use you go forward w/ no height gain or loss. Although I imagine you've already thought of this. If so, I can't wait to see it!
- 5/5,
I would love to see Megaman Zero mods! I mean,the flame megaman's guns already look like the Multitool!
- 5/5,
Well made! Down to details and, most importantly, fits Starbound graphics!
Suggestion: Megaman Zero and Battle Network has some pretty cool art and armors! -
- 5/5,
Excellent Mod! Very well done art and simple install! Especially enjoyed the ability to power up weapons like in the platformers! Can't wait to see the future balancing patches!
- 5/5,
This is what I was kinda looking for when I started to look into playing with mods. it's nicely done so far, and the items added are pretty cool. I like the fact that the X and ZX items are available at this time, and hopefully some of the Zero items will be added soon (by which I mean the Zero series of course).
- 5/5,
<3 Amazing mod, and I mean amazing. with tons of new items and weapons, ; u ; its just beautiful and super fun to use ! 10/10
Kitty Khaos
- 5/5,
I love the mod :)
But if you didn't mind request, do you think you could look into doing a Samus Aran mod?
The blaster should be fairly simple since all it would need is a different color (and maybe shape). Not sure how the armor would be done xD but it would be awesome if you looked into it :) -
- 5/5,
Awesome Mod. Excellent detail and animation. Any MM fan playing Starbound must get this.
- 5/5,
Fantastic mod! A great amount of attention to detail is put into it. (Video showcase)
Author's Response
Thank you very much! :)
- 5/5,
a very fun mode to play with. hope more armors and things get added. maybe a ride armor mech or something :3
Author's Response
Ride Armors are already planned. Love these thingies! (Especially the Eagle Ride Armor)
- 5/5,
Very well made armor designs, and you actually managed to code a chargable buster! Awesome.
Unfortunatly the gear is gonna be rather underpowered for players in Sector X... perhaps I can fiddle the values a bit with Notepad++?-
Author's Response
I haven't really balanced anything yet. But yeah, you can play around with the values of the xbuster.gun and zbuster.gun files to adjust the power of your guns. :)
- 5/5,
I just want you to know how much I appreciate all your hard work put into this amazing Armor mod!
I've been spending countless hours scouring solar systems as Zero ^_^
Thanks again and I'm looking forward to more of your work in the future! Don't quit now :)
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