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Meaty Movement 1.01

Changes air and ground actor movement

  1. Deadguy87
    Version: 1.01
    This is a good start, i am looking forward to see whats next...
  2. Khuur
    Version: 1.0
    It work well. I can control better. Jumping still feels pretty floaty though. I'm not sure if that was intended.
    1. Rider of Dark
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review!

      I agree; the controls are nice but there's room for improvement. The flow I'm looking for isn't exactly where I want it to be, especially with combat. I will definitely put more time into trying out different stuff on different environments the next time round. I did the basic testing on the Moon Base mission, which wasn't ideal.

      I'm holding off on making adjustments til after the teleporters go live. That'll make experimenting everywhere a lot more straightforward.