Moose's Extra Species
Want some extra species slots but tired of having 30+ extra slots? Look no further! Moose's Extra Species does just that! It adds a simple 8 extra slots for your convenience! Not too little, not too much.
It's out of the way and fairly nice looking if you ask me!
Selection of extra species
Clicking an empty slot
It's completely safe to click a blank slot, no crashes, no worries!
INSTALLATIONSpecial thanks to Kawa for the Felins mod!
- Download the mod file
- Drag the MES.pak file into the mods folder
- You're done! You can now run the mod!
Special thanks to Bietol for the Novakid mod!
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Moose's Extra Species 1.3
Adds 8 functional species slots in a fashionable way
Recent Updates
- 1.0 Compatibility! Jul 23, 2016
- Unstable/Nightly Compatibility Update! Dec 26, 2014
- 4 More slots! Mar 23, 2014